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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1890 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

40 UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS. Balance Sheet of tlie Agricultural Department. I n v e n t o r y , Dec. 1, 1888—. Live stock Farm products Machinery and tools ,. Sales- c Live t o c k Field p r o d u c t s Miscellaneous I n v e n t o r y , Dec. 1, 1887— F a r m products Machinery a n d tools N o t e s a n d credits ExpensesLabor, L i v e stock Miscellaneous i t e m s $10,115 00 3,615 00 1,800 00 $2,481 57 1,650 95 284 39 $15,530 00 4,416 91 $19,946 91 $10,650 00 2,880 00 1,800 00 100 00 15,430 00 $1,499 90 842 85 1,447 24 3,788 99 $19,218 99 727 92 $19,946 91 Balance The Griggs Farm. R e n t received Expenses Balance $503 70 $503 70 $ 03 70 $503 70 The Horticultural Department, Cr. Cash from g r e e n h o u s e , Nurse? y Small fruit Orchards Forest Garden T r e e s for public g r o u n d s $192 30 26 90 175 06 169 10 19 70 4.70 • $587 76 9 00 $596 76
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