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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1890 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

38 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. MEETING O F MARCH 12, 1889. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois met in the University parlor, in Urbana, a t 4:30 o'clock p. m., March 12, 1889, and, in the absence of the President, was called t o order by the Secretary. Mr. Cobb was made President, pro tempore. The call of the roll showed Messrs. Bennett, Bullard, Cobb, Harker, Haskell, McKay, and McLean present; absent, Governor Fifer, Superintendent Edwards, and Messrs. Clemens, Millard, a n d Shawhan. The members recently elected, Samuel A. Bullard, Oliver A. Harker, Francis M. McKay, and Alexander McLean, h a d t a k e n t h e o a t h of office before t h e meeting was called t o order. The minutes of t h e preceding meeting wTere approved. The election of officers was p u t over until t h e next morning. Upon invitation the Regent, Dr. Peabody, then presented his report, as follows: REGENT'S R F P O K T . To the Trustees of the University of Illinois. GENTLEMEN: The year now ending has not been marked by any notable changes in the plans or practice of the University. As has already been reported, the attendance of University students is larger than in any previous year, and the whole number is equal to that of any former year. Most of these students are here with an earnest purpose to make the best use of their time and opportunities. Good order and faithful scholarship are the rule. The time never will come when to such a rule there will not be some exception. At the end of the fall term, Professor John C. Jackson tendered his resignation, which was accepted by the Executive Committee. With the approval of the same authority arrangement was made with Mr. Albert G. Manns, Ph. D., to carry the work of the chair of chemistry to the end of the year. Mr. Manns is a graduate from our own school of chemistry, and has taken his degree of Doctor of Philosophy under Hoffman and other noted chemists at the University of Berlin. He entered upon
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