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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1890 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

36 Nov. UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS. 30 By amount paid on account furniture and fixtures water suppl y " " " " commencement expenses., rifle range By amount paid on account buil lings and grounds mechanical &arch'L shops. books and publications cabinets " " " " expenses of instruction apparatus and material metallurgical laboratory... State Labora'y Nat. Hist.. Balance. $8 200 15 18 77 00 50 24 8242 51 $337 32 345 00 101 98 403 14 6,899 82 643 71 221 54 1,257 32 10,209 8S 17,133 14 $36,939 63 Urbana, December U, 1888. JOHN W. BUNN, Treasurer. The Auditing Committee made the following report, which was approved on motion of Mr. McLean: We, your committee, respectfully report t h a t we have examined t h e Business Agent's report and t h e vouchers accompanying t h e same, on which University warrants Nos. 901 to 925 inclusive, and Kos. 1 ot 175 inclusive, have been drawn and find them correct as reported. We have also examined t h e vouchers on which Experiment Station warrants Nos. 87 to 90 inclusive, and Itfos. 183 to 241 inclusive, have been drawn and find them correct as presented. A statement of the entire expenditures of the Experiment Station for the year ending June 30. 1888, referred to us. we have examined and recommend its approval. We have also examined t h e Treasurer's report and find it correct, and t h a t it shows a balance of seventeen thousand one hundred and thirtythree dollars and fourteen cents. G ^ ' O E ^ W , [ a u d i t i n g Committee. T h e following r e p o r t of t h e F a r m C o m m i t t e e w a s , o n m o t i o n of M r . M c L e a n , a p p r o v e d : The Farm Committee to whom was referred the report of Professor Morrow, professor of agriculture, respectfully reports t h a t it has examined said report and finds the same satisfactory. I n relation to Professor Morrow's attending institutes, t h e committee reports that, owing to t h e fact t h a t t h e University has no funds to employ an assistant professor in agriculture, the interests of the agricultural classes will not permit him to attend institutes as extensively as would otherwise be desirable. The committee, however, recommends t h a t permission be given Professor Morrow to attend six representative agricultural institutes during t h e present season, the same to be without expense to t h e University. C. W. B E N N E T T , ) EMORY COBB, >Farm Committee. B. P U L L E N , } Judge Bennett stated that the special committee on certificates conld not report at this time, giving reasons therefor; and leave was granted the committee to take further time for the consideration of the subject. Dr. Peabody's bill for $41.85, for expenses in attending meetings of the Board and Executive Committee and in examining schools, was ordered paid from current funds.
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