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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1890 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OP TRUSTEES. 35 The following recommendations of the Director of the State Laboratory of Natural History are approved, and should be presented to t h e legislature. For t h e two years ending June 30, 1891: For For For For For field, office and incidental expenses improvement of library salaries of assistants ; publication of bulletins illustration of Entomological Report $1,000 per annum 1,000 4,000 500 250 16,750 $1,000 $14,500 Total For entomological laboratory and breeding room. Total appropriation for two years, The above report is respectfully submitted, S. M. M I L L A R D , } CHAS. B E N N E T T , l 0 o T n T T l 1 t t p p A L E X . M C L E A N , f <- o m m i ™ee. S. H. PEABODY, J The Board then adjourned to meet a t the Doane House, in Champaign, a t 7:30 o'clock p. m. EVENING SESSION. The Board met pursuant to adjournment, the same members being present as in the afternoon. The treasurer, Mr. J. W. Bunn, presented the following report, and it was referred t o the Auditing Committee. JOHN W. BUNN, TBEASUBEE, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS.—Dr. 1888. Sept. 11 To b lance interest on land contract No. 37, W. T. Gore, assignee, amount received on acc't buildings and grounds 29 Sept. laboratories " preparatory year University students'fees.. Nov. 30 |To amount received on account Agricultural Experiment j $27 00 5 00 625 00 3,027 50 $30,352 06 263 00 3,684 50 $444 45 57 00 100 76 60 00 114 82 1,24" 14 107 15 6 00 30 00 479 75 Station buildings and grounds fuel and lights '. .». mechanical department... architectural " agricultural " horticultural " laboratories library and apparatus University students' fees.. 2,640 07 Or. Nov. 30 By amount paid on account board expense $36,939 63 $178 71 3,943 71 103 39 633 03 130 53 399 99 449 54 1,660 61i 1,116 94 135 73! 26 50| 524 40 22 67 28 40 " " * " salaries buildings and grounds fuel and lights stationery and printing... preparatory year mechanical department... architectural department. agricultural department. . horticultural department.. military department laboratories library and apparatus incidental expense $9,354 45
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