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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1890 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

34 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Besolved, That the following appropriations from the state appropriations for the Laboratory of Natural History be made for the quarter ending March 31, 1889: For For For For the the the the field work and the office incidental expenses.. improvement of the library pay of assistants publication of bulletins «2">0 00 250 00 750 00 75 00 And that the President and Secretary be directed to draw the necessary requisition for the sum of thirteen hundred and twenty-five dollars from the proper fund to pay the above named appropriations. On motion of Mr. Cobb, a u t h o r i t y was g r a n t e d the B o a r d of Direction of the Experiment S t a t i o n t o undertake experiments a s set forth in t h e report m a d e by t h e President of t h a t B o a r d . On motion of Mr. McLean, t h e Board of Direction was authorized t o expend moneys in carrying on the operations of t h e S t a t i o n according t o t h e requests and estimates presented in t h e same report. Professor BurrilPs request, presented in t h e Regent's report, was referred t o the Executive Committee. The Regent and Professor Morrow were appointed t o represent t h e Agricultural Experiment S t a t i o n and the Agricultural College a t the meeting of persons connected with agricultural experiment s t a t i o n s t o be held a t Knoxville, Tenn., beginning New Year's day, and $100, or so much of it as m a y be needed, was assigned from the funds of t h e Experiment S t a t i o n t o defray their expenses. On motion of Mr. McLean, $50 was appropriated from current funds t o be used in m a k i n g a n exhibit a t the P a r i s Exposition of next year. The special committee on legislation reported as follows, and t h e report was approved on motion of Mr. Cobb: REPORT ON LEGISLATION. To the Trustees of the University of Illinois. GENTLEMEN: Your committee upon Legis]ation respectfully reports: That it has carefully considered the needs of the University for the next two fiscal years, 1889-90 and 1890-91, and it recommends that the following sums be asked of the General Assembly: For For For For For For For taxes on lands in Minnesota and Nebraska buildings and grounds machine shops .' apparatus and material , books and publications collections of natural history current expenses of instruction.. Per annum Also, for building a drill hall For removing the boiler from chemical building to boiler house, enlarging same and adding necessary steam pipes and fittings, and for new boiler for machine shops ! Total appropriation for two years SI,700 p e r a n n u m 3,000 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,000 25,000 $35,700 15,000 2,500 $88,900
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