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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1890 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 29 Tree Culture— Trees, testing time and methods of transplanting. Orchard fruits, production of new varieties. Orchard fruits, testing the effects of stock on cion and cion on stock. Native fruits, testing and improving. Fruits, testing methods of preservation. Greenhouse Experiments— Coleuses, testing and identifying varieties. Geraniums, testing and identifying varieties. The Board of Direction asks authority to expend during this quarter for furniture (stoves and chairs) for chemical laboratory and warehouse, $100; and an additional sum of $50 for fuel and lights. To carry on the operations of the Experiment Station for the quarter ending March 31, 1889, authority is asked to make the following expenditures: Board expense Books and periodicals Binding same Building and repairs Bulletins and reports Chemical apparatus and material Fuel and lights Printing, stationery, and postage Salaries Seeds and trees T: Tools Wages , Stock feeding and dairying experiments Prevention of chinch bugs Total $ 50 00 150 00 200 00 50 00 350 00 50 (»0 100 00 25 00 1,950 00 100 00 50 00 700 00 100 00 75 00 83,950 00 The Board of Direction presents this completed Statement of Expenditures for the year ending June 30. 1888. Books and publications Botanical apparatus, supplies, and fixtures.. Buildings and repairs Bulletins Chemical apparatus, supplies, and fixtures... Expenses of Board Fertilizers Furniture and fittings for office and library. Incidentals Meteorological apparatus Printing, stationery, and postage Salaries Seeds and trees Tools Wages and teams Total.. $3,241 83 752 46 2,982 66 130 69 3,159 12 128 58 191 30 885 61 106 56 221 90 243 45 1,525 00 226 25 302 80 901 79 $15,000 00 The following exhibits are presented: Exhibit A. Completed list of expenditures for the quarter ending September 30, 1888. Exhibit B. Statement of appropriations for the current quarter and of expenditures to November 30, 1888.
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