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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1890 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

28 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. ASSIGNMENTS A N D APPROPRIATIONS. The following are asked, from special or general funds, as indicated: From state appropriation for cabinets: For collection of bryozoans for geological museum For collection of fungi for botanical museum For expenses of Professor Rolfe in procuring material from From state appropriation for building and grounds: For boiler repairs, grate-bars, tubes, etc For care of grounds, cleaning, etc For repair of walk to north barn From state appropriation for mechanical shops: For power, etc., in shops (quarterly assignment) From state appropriation for apparatus and material: For dynamometers, etc., for mechanical department For models and repairs of apparatus in drawing room For field transit for civil engineering department For continuing collection of designs, etc., architectural drawing-room... From current funds, For furniture .$100 00 104 78 16 40 $221 18 160 00 100 00 50 00 Springfield $310 00 150 00 173 90 250 100 00 00 00 00 $613 00 53 15 On account of appropriation for fuel and lights, For applying smoke consuming apparatus to furnaces in boiler house 125 00 Mr. Kimball's request for gas in the machine shop is herewith presented. The usual quarterly assignments to the State Laboratory of Natural History should be made. Respectfully submitted, SELIM H. PEABODY, Regent. PAPERS PRESENTED WITH THE REGENT'S REPORT. AGRICULTURAL E X P E R I M E N T STATION. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. GENTLEMEN: The Board of Direction asks authority to undertake the following named stock-feeding, dairying, and horticultural experiments. These experiments are all within the lines of work already approved by Board of Trustees: Stock Feeding— Pigs, age of, as affecting cost of meat production. Pigs, effect of weather and shelter upon their growth and condition. Pigs, value of wheat as a food for. Pigs, value for, of the undigested food they get from cattle when following them. Ensilage, value of, for horses, steers, and young cattle. Dairying Experiments— Ensilage, its value for milch cows in comparison with dry foods. Ensilage, its effect upon the quality of milk and butter. Milk, tests to ascertain its butter value. Milch cows, effects of warming water for.
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