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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1890 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. AGRICULTURAL E X P E R I M E N T STATION. 17 To the Trustees of the University of Illinois. G E N T L E M E N : The Board of Direction of the Experiment Station respectfully reports: The work of the Station is now well organized, and most of the experiments authorized are in successful prosecution. The season is not yet so far advanced t h a t many of these experiments are ready for report. As to the financial operations of the year ending June 30, 1888, the Board begs leave to reserve its final report for the next quarterly meeting. The following statements are herewith presented: Exhibit A. Appropriation, expenditures and balances for the quarter ending September 30, 1888. Exhibit B. Estimates for quartern ending December 31, 1888, with requestt h a t the necessary authority for making such expenditures should be granted. The aggregate of this estimate is more than the exact pro rata due to the quarter so ending; but, counting the balances which will remain from the current quarter, the total estimates for the half year ending December 31st, will not exceed the pro rata for half year. Exhibit C. List of warrants paid, and vouchers for same, Nos. 14, 74 to 86, and 96 to 182. The Board of Direction recommends t h a t Mr. Albert G. Manns be appointed first assistant chemist, vice John A. Miller, who has resigned, and t h a t he receive the same salary assigned to Mr. Miller, twelve hundred dollars per annum. Also, t h a t Professor Donald Mcintosh be appointed veterinarian to the Station, without salary. Also, t h a t Harry S. Grindley be appointed second assistant chemist, with a salary of six hundred dollars per annum. The Board of Direction of the Experiment Station desires to undertake, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, the following experiments: 1. Ensilage: Investigations of ensilage biology. 2. Fruit Preservation: An experiment in relation to the preservation of apples and other fruits. The Board of Direction has received a communication from Professor S. A. Forbes, State Entomologist, presented herewith*: STATE OF ILLINOIS, O F F I C E OF T H E STATE ENTOMOLOGIST, CHAMPAIGN, Sept. 4, 1888. To the Board of Direction of the Agricultural Experiment Station. GENTLEMEN : I beg leave respectfully to call your attention to a line of agricultural experimentation for which there is now an extraordinary opportunity in Illinois, and results in which will, in my opinion, be extremely valuable to a large part of our population, especially in the southern part of the state. I refer to field experiments with measures for the protection of the principal farm crops against injury by chinch bugs. The measures which I shall suggest have all been used to some extent either on the small scale of office experiment, or in a somewhat desultory way by farmers in the field. The following seven I consider the most important to the agriculture of the southern part of the state, taking into consideration the present condition of affairs in t h a t region. 1. Experiment with fertilizers applied to wheat in fall or spring, to determine more precisely and throughly than has hitherto been done, the possibility of sustaining the plant against the attacks of chinch bugs. For - 2 U. I.
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