Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1890 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

16 UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS. Professor Forbes asks t h e following assignments from t h e state appropriation for cabinets, in which requests I concur: For For For For work and material mounting birds.... wax models—comparative anatomy. .. glass jars and alcoholic preparations. labor in museum $150 11 200 00 50 00 50 00 $450 11 Professor Forbes, as Director of t h e State Laboratory of Natural History, presents a communication touching t h e needs of t h a t department. I have to request t h a t authority be given to t h e usual committee to expend t h e state appropriation for books and publications, for t h e current year. Also, from t h e state appropriation for apparatus and material, For a typewriter for the Regent's office For tools for architectural shop For set of reloading tools for military department. Also from current funds, For repairs of rifle range mo oo 150 00 40 00 25 00 Authority was given at t h e March meeting for t h e purchase of chemical supplies for t h e ensuing year. This preliminary action is necessary, as most of these supplies are purchased abroad, and are imported for t h e University duty free. ISTo assignment has been made for payment for this purchase. I recommend the appropriation for this purpose, From current funds (balance turned over by chemical department). From state appropriation, apparatus and material $400 00 250 00 $650 00 I present t h e quarterly report of t h e Board of Direction of t h e Experiment Station. I present also t h e quarterly report of t h e Professor of Agriculture. Respectfully submitted, SELIM H. PEABODY, Regent. PAPERS PRESENTED WITH THE REGENT'S REPORT. STATE LABORATORY OF N A T U R A L HISTORY. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: G E N T L E M E N : I have to request at t h e present time t h e following routine action with respect to t h e State Laboratory of Natural History: 1. That I be authorized to pay Professor Burrill $200 for his services as botanist to t h e Laboratory of Natural History during t h e current year. 2. T h a t t h e following assignments of t h e state appropriation for t h e Laboratory be made for t h e year ending June 30, 1889: For t h e Held work and t h e office and incidental expenses, $1,000; for t h e improvement of t h e library, $1,000; for t h e pay of assistants, $3,000; and for the publication of bulletins, $300. Respectfully submitted, S. A. FORBES, Director of Laboratory.