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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

78 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE BOAED OF TBUSTEES-MAECH, 1886. The Board met at the University Parlor, on Tuesdav, March 9th, 1886, at 3 P. M. No quorum being present the Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, March 23d, 1886, at 3 P. M. E. SNYDBR, Secretary. The Board met at the University Parlor on Tuesday, March 23d, 1886, at 3 P. M. No quorum being present the Board adjourned to Wednesday, March 24th, 1886, at 2 P. M. The Board assembled at the University Parlor at 2 P. M. on Wednesday, March 24th, 1886. Present—Trustees Bennett, Eisenmayer, Follansbee, McLean and Pearman. Absent—Governor Oglesby, Hon. John Landrigan, Trustees Cobb, Earle, Millard and Paden. Trustee Follansbee was elected Chairman pro tempore. The records of last meeting were read and approved. The Board then proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year. The Eecording Secretary was directed to cast the unanimous vote of the Board for Trustee Millard as President of the Board. The vote was so cast and Trustee Millard declared elected. The Chairman was directed to cast the unanimous vote of the Board for Prof. T. J. Burrill as Corresponding Secretary, and Prof. E. Snyder as Eecording Secretary. The vote being so cast the Secretaries were declared elected. Treasurer J. W. Bunn read the following report, which was received and referred to the Auditing Committee:
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