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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

77 The following report from the Auditing Committee was received and on motion adopted: To the Board of Trustees: Your Auditing Committee, to whom was referred the report of the Business Agent, report that they have examined vouchers No. 751 to 800 inclusive, old series, and No. 1 to 200 inclusive, new series, and find them correct and properly receipted, and would recommend that the same be approved. R.N.PADEN, CHAS. BENNETT, GEO. C. EISENMAYER, Committee. The President appointed the following committees: ^ On Scholarships—Trustees Bennett and Pearman and the Eegent. On Secret Societies—Trustees McLean, Bennett, and Follansbee. Adjourned. S. M. MILLARD, President. E . SXYDER, Secretary.
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