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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

76 motion the matter was referred to a committee consisting of the President and three members to be appointed by the chair, for consideration, and report at the next meeting. The Eegent was authorized to engage the services of D. Mcintosh, D. V. S., as lecturer on Veterinary Science, at a salary of $150 per month for the balance of the academic year. The following appropriations were made, as recommended in the Eegent's report: Purchase of lot from Street Railway Company Purchase of lots east of Chemical Laboratory For microscopes and materials For Botanical Laboratory For Chemical Laboratory For Architectural Department (apparatus) For Architectural Department (Collection of Designs; For Military Department (band instrument) For new shutters in Free-hand Drawing-room For new floors on south veranda.. $150 00 830 00 450 0ft 75 00 250 00 25 00 10c 00 20 00 150 00 110 00 r Trustee Bennett offered the following resolution, which was passed: Resolved, That the President of the Board, the Kegent, and the Corresponding Secretary be, and hereby are, constituted a standing Committee on Publications, such committee to supervise the publication of the reports of this University, and all other publications and advertisements. The Eegent's request for republishing Begulations for the Students of the University, was referred to the above committee with power to act. ' , President Millard presented to the Board a collection of laws and decisions concerning the University, It was received and referred to the Committee on Publication with power to act. Trustee McLean offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the sum of two hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to be used by the Committee on Publications for the printing of regulations, laws, and bulletins, and report at the next session of the Board. Trustee McLean, from Committee on Buildings and Grounds, made the following report: To the President and Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: The undersigned, to whom was referred the matter of over expenditure of $80.99 in fitting up Janitor's rooms, would report that the original estimates of cost of the changes contemplated in the Janitor's rooms were increased in the belief that the flooring joists and studding in said rooms could be used again in refitting, but were found to be decayed and entirely worthless; it therefore became necessary to purchase new lumber. We therefore recommend that the expenditure made on the same be allowed and warrants drawn on the treasury for amount. We further recommend, however, that in all cases expenditures authoiized by this Board should not exceed the appropriations made therefor. Respectfully submitted, ALEX. McLEAN, G. A. FOLLANSiEE, Committee, The report was received and the recommendations adopted.
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