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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

64 I desire to say in conclusion that I thoroughly believe in the desirability of the religious instruction given to the pupils of this institution at such chapel exercises, and earnestly trust that no occasion will be furnished for doing away with them. The boys and girls who attend this University are for the most part away from their homes and home influences, are here during the formative periods of their character, and it would be unfortunate, in my opinion, if, during these important years, the religious side of their education should receive no instruction or culture. Many parents in this State would hesitate to send their children to such a University. Again, it would be comparatively an easy matter to obtain the "consent" of almost every person upon entering the University that he would attend such exercises. The few persons who would want to appear "singular," and who would refuse such consent, would be exceedingly small. Those who "consented" could be "reauired" to attend such exercises, and thus a uniform attendance secured. I cannot feel that these recommendations in favor of Mr. North will have any serious •effect upon the chapel exercises, and that if complied with it will only be doing an act of simple justice to him. All of which is respectfully submitted, G. A. FOLLANSBEE. Trustee Pearman moved that the minority report be substituted for the majority report. The motion was lost. The majority report was approved, and its recommendation adopted. Adjourned. S. M. MILLARD, President. E. SNYDER, Secretary,
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