UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 [PAGE 69]

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61 Summary of Accounts for the Six Months ending August 31, 1885.

1885. CURRENT EXPENSE ACCOUNT. Dr. Or. $4, 570 50 5,471 00 28 47 m 85 1,505 1,187 7 1, 443 1,052 5 157 255 355 431 43 46 166 65 46 19 19 200 3 2,486 $10,136 82 Dr. 81,449 87 $10,136 82 Or. $4, $88 44 1,776 28 3,000 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 1,000 00 12,000 00 2,000 00 4,500 00 1,375 00 3 88

March 10 By balance from last year. Aug. 31 " '• collection, six months. balance laboratories balance Griggs farm To balance board expense salaries for instruction salaries for services buildings and grounds fuel and lights stationery and printing Nebraska lands library and apparatus Mechanical Department Architectural Department Agricultural Department Horticultural Department Military Department incidentals gymnasium library and catalogue case drawings, Architectural Department. rubber stamp eng. col purchase of piano State buildings and grounds balance Total .

STATE APPROPRIATION ACCOUNT. 1885. March 10] By b a l a n c e from l a s t y e a r May 30 To w a r r a n t s d r a w n July 3 B y a m o u n t received from S t a t e t a x e s on l a n d " "

Aug. Aug.

To w a r r a n ts d r a w n B y c u r r e n t e x p e n s e (buildings a n d g r o u n d s ) To b a l a n c e Total .

buildings and g r o u n d s laboratories Mech. and Arch, s h o p s b o o k s and p u b l i c a t i o n s cabinets , current e x p e n s e of i n s t r u c t i o n tools T and m a c h i n e s fire w alls a n d ventilation S t a t e L a b ' y N a t u r a l History, etc 8,272 58 25,311 15

$35,033 601 $35,0&3 60

The report was received and referred to the Auditing Committee. Trustee McLean offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

Resolved, That the President and Secretary be directed to draw their requisition upon the State Auditor for the several sums of money appropriated by the General Assembly for the use of the State Laboratory of Natural History and the State Entomologist's office for the quarter ending December 31,1885. For the field work and incidental expense of the Laboratory the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars. For the traveling, office, and incidental expenses of the Entomologist the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars. For improvement of the Library the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. For the pay of the Entomological assistant the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. For the pay of the Botanical assistant the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. For miscellaneous assistance the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. For the publication of bulletins the sum of seventy-five dollars.

The Farm Committee, to whom was referred the report from the Professor of Agriculture, recommended that the same be approved and placed on file. The recommendation was agreed to.