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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 [PAGE 55]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886
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FIRE WALLS AND VENTILATION. The appropriations contain an item of $4,500 for these purposes. The sum asked for was named in accordance with estimates made by Prof. Ricker, and is believed to be ample for the purpose. I recommend that these matters be referred to a suitable committee, with directions to carry these improvements immediately into effect. TOOLS A^D MACHINERY. An item of $2,000 per annum is named for the purchase of additional machinery for the shops. While but one-half the sum can be used now, it would be well to consider the probable use to be made of the whole, and to make present purchases with proper reference to the use. I recommend that this subject be referred to a committee, with authority to purchase. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. Of the sum available for the year, $3,000, at least hal£ should be set aside for current and contingent expenses, aside from improvements or repairs. Under the latter head the following should receive early attention: The enlargement of the carpenter shop, as asked by Prof. Ricker, and also brought to your notice last year $130 00 For repairs in janitor's apartments 225 00 For building half-way house 200 00 For 1 aying floor in library, within railing 150 00 For finishing balcony railing in library and stairway 150 00 For finishing the floor and partitions in the Zoological laboratory 400 00 MUSEUM FUND. For the proper application of the fund remaining from the appropriation of two years ago, now about $1,300,1 respectfully refer you to a report of Prof. Forbes, herewith transmitted, and concur in its recommendations. LABORATORY FUND. I recommend that from the unexpended balance of this fund $100 be assigned to Prof. Burrill for purchase of a microtome and other microscopical accessories; and that the remainder be assigned for the physical laboratory, under direction of the Regent. Prof. Ricker asks for 12 sets of tools for shop practice in the carpenter's shop, at a cost of $150, which should be allowed from the new appropriations for tools and machines. Also for the repair of the dry kiln, to cost $50. This should be allowed from the new appropriation for shops and expenses. Also for $35 for additional drawing desks, and for bulletin boards for his class-room. This should be allowed from the general fund. PIANO FORTE. Much complaint has been made about the piano which has been used in the music-room. About March 1st, shortly before the anniversary, I hired a new piano forte for temporary use, and it has remained in the room since, $15 having been paid for its rent. It is now offered to us for $200. If it is your opinion that the University should furnish this department with an instrument, I think this should answer the purpose. ADVERTISING. The present time, on account of the change of name, seems to be important for advertising. Probably $800 to $1,000 may be profitably used for this purpose. Prof. Morrow is-prepared to make some reports upon agricultural experiments conducted upon the University farms. The publication of an occasional bulletin would be of service to the agricultural department, and is recommended. An appropriation of $50ifor this purpose is asked. Respectfully submitted, UBBANA, July 1,1885. S. H. PEABODY, Begent.

The following report from Prof. Forbes was read and laid over for further consideration:

DE. S. H. PEABODY, Regent of the University: SIB: The requests and suggestions which I have to submit respecting the zoological and entomological work of the University relate to some additional appliances for the students zoological laboratory, to regular provisions for assistance in zoology, and to the purchase and collection of specimens for the geological and zoological cabinets.