Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

42 On motion of Trustee Bennett, the report was received and the action of the committee approved. The Executive Committee submitted the following report: To the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: SIES—Your committee, to whom was referred the Treasurer's bond, would report that they have examined the same and find it correct in form, the security ample and according to law, and recommend that it be approved. S. M. MILLARD. J. T. PEARMAN, The report was received and the bond approved. The Executive Committee submitted the following report: To the Board of Trustees Illinois Industrial University: Your Executive Committee, finding that no appropriation was made at the last meeting of the Board for the payment of the bill of Burnham, Trevett & Mattis, which was reported and approved at that meeting, have ordered a warrant to be drawn in the sum of $130.08 to pay; the same. / S. M. MILLARD. J. T. PEARMAN. The report was received and the action of the committee approved. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds made the following report: To the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: The undersigned committee, to whom was referred the claim of Gustav Klingenspor for extra services, would respectfully report that we have made inquiry relative to the claim, and find that, while the duties of gardener have been difficult to perform during the past winter on account of the severity of the weather, yet we feel that the matter is beyond our control or regulation, and the precedent of adjusting salaries according to weather would be dangerous and uncertain. We therefore recommend that the claim be not allowed. ALEX. McLEAN, G.A.FOLLANSBEE, (Jommittee. The report was adopted and approved. The Farm Committee submitted the following report: To the Board of Trustees of the I. I. U. SIES—Your Farm Committee, to whom was referred the report of Prof. Morrow, would respectfully recommend that the report be received and placed on file. J T. PEARMAN. . CHAS. BENNETT. The report was received and approved. On motion of Trustee McLean, $ 100 was appropriated additionally for Board expenses. The following report from the Auditing Committee was read and approved: To the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: Your Auditing Committee beg leave to report that they have examined the vouchers of the Business Agent, from 326 to 550 inclusive, and find the same correct and properly receipted. R. N. PADEN, CHARLES BENNETT, Committee. The Finance Committee made a verbal report that the Business Agent's and Treasurer's reports as to finances were correct, and would recommend that the same be approved. The report was approved and placed on file. The Board then listened to a proposition from Mr. Vance for boring on the University farm for.a supply of gas.