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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

85 The Executive Committee submitted the following report on appointment of teacher of elocution referred to them last meeting: To the Board of Trustees Illinois Industrial University: Your Executive Committee have appointed Prof. Wm. Carnes to be instructor in elocution for the current term at a salary of $25 per week. Some arrangement will need to be made for the next term, and the authority for further action be continued in the committee. Respectfully submitted, S. M. MILLARD, J. T. PEARMAN, Committee. The report was received and approved, and authority given to the committee to re-engage Prof. Wm, Carnes for the next term. On motion of Trustee McLean $50 was appropriated to make sidewalk of cinders to front gate, as recommended by the Eegent. On motion, the account of the Eegent for expenses to Springfield, in attendance on appropriation committees of the Legislature, amounting to $25.30, was allowed. The request of the Eegent relating to the return of goods exhibited at the New Orleans exposition, was referred to the Executive Committee, with power to act. The following report from the Executive Committee was read and, on motion, adopted: To the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: Your Executive Committee, to whom was referred the report of the Committee on Nebraska Lands in relation to the account of Burnham, Trevitt & Mattis, would recommend that the report be received and its recommendation approved. S. M. MILLARD, EMORY COBB, J. T. PEARMAN, Committee. On motion, the inventory referred to in the Eegent's report, and now submitted, was approved and ordered filed: Articles enumerated. $5,441 72 3,084 10 2,145 85 6,430 00 9,685 79 7,748 25 2,170 80 2,759 50 2,689 50 737 85 586 06 28,520 90 Department. Articles estimated. $100 00 2,700 00 1,600 00 1,044 36 251 75 15,260 00 650 00 100 00 15,000 00 100 00 .3,500 00 23,000 00 Total. $5,541 72 3,084 10 4,845 85 8,030 00 10,730 15 8,000 00 17,430 80 3,409 50 2,789 50 15,737 85 586 06 28,520 90 100 00 3,500 00 23,000 00 $135,306 43 7,748 25 $127,658 18 Physical Laboratory Art Gallery Botanical N a t u r a l History M u s e u m Mechanical.Engineering Military a n d G y m n a s i u m Agricultural Architectural Civil E n g i n e e r i n g Chemical Art a n d Design Library Blue P r i n t i n g L a b o r a t o r y Furniture Heating apparatus Total inventory Belonging to t h e United States Total belonging to University i'
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