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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

33 An example may be found in the repair or refitting of an a.partment, to be paid out of the State appropriation for buildings and grounds. If the work were done by a carpenter not belonging to the University, he would bring in his vouchers in duplicate, be paid, and the sum would be charged in the proper account. If, instead, the work were done in the University shop, as all persons would prefer, why should not the vouchers of the department be received, as in the other case, and be charged in the same account? The receipts will be credited in the accounts of the architecturaldepartment, which employs the labor and pays for the material used. Otherwise the shop would fail to get pay for the material, etc., charged to it, or the University would be prevented from using its own facilities for its own benefit. The purpose of this report has been to give an outline of a method, with such illustrations as will show the consistency of its parts. Further details will readily arrange themselves. Respectfully submitted, S. H. PEABODY, JOHN W. BUNN, S. M. MILLARD, Committee. UBBANA, I I I . , March 10,1885. On motion of Trustee Cobb, it was resolved that the report of the Committee on Bookkeeping be received and adopted, and that the Kegent and Treasurer put the same into operation as soon as the business of the University will permit. The Executive Committee reported back the report of the committee on Nebraska lands, with the recommendation that the resolution contained therein, as well as the form of conveyance proposed, be adopted. On motion of Trustee Paden the resolution (incorporated in the deed) was adopted and the following form of deed approved: €ontractNo Deed No KNOW ALL MEN! AY THESE PBESENTS, That in pursuance of a resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University, passed March 11th, 1885. as follows: Resolved, That the President of the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University is hereby authorized and directed to execute, in the name and under the seal of said JBonrd, deeds in fee simple of lands belonging to said University in the county of Gage, and the State of Nebraska, to purchasers who have paid the full purchase price thereof, said deeds to be countersigned by the recording secretary of said Board. the sum of dollars, to it paid by of and of the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, doth grant, bargain, sell and convey to the said and the following described real estate situated in the county of Gage, and State of Nebraska, to-wit: The quarter of Section Township .North, Range East of the Sixth Principal Meridian, containing, according to the United States survey acres, subject to taxes of A. D. 188.. and subsequent years, intending hereby to grant and convey all the interest of the parties of the flrstpart and of the Illinois Industrial University, acquired by virtue of a patent to the above described premises from the government of the United States, said patent being numbered In Testimony Whereof, the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University has hereunto set its seal and caused these presents to be signed by its president and countersigned by its secretary, this day of A. D. 188.. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ILLINOIS INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ILLINOIS INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY, in consideration of [L. S.] STATE OF ILLINOIS, [ „„ By Contersigned by President. Recording Secretary. County, f I. do hereby certify that on this day personally appeared before me who is personally known to me to be the president of the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University, described in the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed said instrument as his free act and deed, as such president, and as the free and voluntary act of the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University, * In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of..... .A, D. 188.. [L. 8.] On motion of Trustee McLean, the opinion of Judge Cunningham relating to the ownership of corner lot on street car track was received and placed on file. On motion of Trustee Cobb, the subject of maintaining a waiting room, in accordance with the request of Mr. P . G. Jaques. on the above mentioned lot, was referred to the Executiye Committee and Eegent with power to act. Ind—3
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