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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

30 Jan. 15 By interest on land contract No. 27, Amos L.Wright No. 28,Amos L.Wright " " " No. 29, Spencer G.Bryant No. 30, John A.Huston Feb. 28 By amount received on account Mechanical department Architectural department Agricultural department Horticultural department Chemical department Fuel and lights Buildings and grounds Griggs'farm Incidentals University fees Tuition in preparatory departm't | Music fees $23 23 18 16 33j 33| 66 j 00! $1,491 00 $554 42; 1,462 60' 556 581 42 70! 456 811 94 83 47 00! 547 00I 1 45 1,892 75: 332 50i 113 00' 6,101 64 $26,974 51 UEBANA, March 10,1885. JOHN W. BUNN, Treasurer. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds submitted the following report: To the Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: The undersigned, Committee on Buildings and Grounds, to whom'was referred the report of Prof. T. J. Burrill, would report that after a careful consideration of the matter of engaging the services of a foreman of horticultural department, we would recommend that George W. McClure be appointed to that position at a salary of six hundred and sixty dollars per annum. And we would also recommend that an assistant be appointed, preference being given to a woman of some experience in horticulture, whose duty it shall be to attend to the sale department and to have in charge the oflice and other matters pertaining to the indoor work of the department, at a suitable salary, to be determined by the Board hereafter. Respectfully submitted, ALEX. McLEAN, EMORY COBB. R. N. PADEN, Committee. The report was received and its recommendations adopted. The Executive Committee reported that the request of Prof. Burrill concerning the needs of the horticultural department, referred to them at the last meeting, has required no action on their part. The Executive Committee further reported that they have, on recommendation of the Begent, employed Mr. Horace laylor at a salary of $25 per month, as assistant to Prof. Boos, and asked further time for a report on fittings and furniture in the drawing room. The appointment was concurred in and further time granted. The matter of leasing or putting under cultivation the Griggs farm was referred to the Executive Committee with power to act. The following appropriations were made from State funds in accordance with requests found in Begent's report: Eor dynamo engine For apparatus for chemical department For apparatus for botanical laboratory For cabinets for botanical collections For cabinets for zoological collections $500 125 100 16 110 00 00 00 50 00 Further appropriations were made, from current funds as follows: For chemicals For card cabinets for library For photos of drawings for architectural department For rubber type and stamps for engineering and architectural departments For gymnasium apparatus, etc $400 00 30 00 50 00 20 00 140 00
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