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Absence, leave of, 43. Accounts, 31. Agriculture. D e p a r t m e n t of, 23. Agriculture, a s s i s t a n t in, 93. Agricultural d e p a r t m e n t , 38-88. Agriculture, 141. Ailanthus, 262. Allumni, Chicago club, 96. American Elm., 269. Ancient language, 51-71. A n n u a l r e p o r t s , 72. Auditing committee, 34,36,42,62,75,76,95, 98,107. Apple trees, 262. Appointment of Professors, 50,103. Appropriations, 22,30,52,61,62,76,74,94,106. Architectural, 74,146. Art department, 76. A s s a y i n g furnace, 57. A s s i s t a n t in agriculture, 93^ i Attorney-General's opinion, 69, 72. Austrian pine, 276. Change of n a m e , 44.49. Chemical d e p a r t m e n t , 25,54,76,89,107. Chemistry, 163. Chestnut, 268. Civil engineering, 154. Climatal destruction of o r c h a r d trees, 283., College of engineers, 83. College of literature and science, 83. College of n a t u r a l science, 83. Committee on publication, 76. Committee on scholarship, 77. Commissions, 38. Comstock, Prof. T. B„ 53.56,103. Comstock,Prof. T. B., B e p o r t from. 157. Contagious disease of cabbage worm, 294.. Contents. Table of, 7. Controlling sex, 221. Corn culture, 188. Corn, rotation with, 195. Corn, s h r i n k a g e of, 195. Corn, structure of. 196. Corn, weight of, 195. Crawford, Prof. J. D., 50,103. Crawford, Prof. J. D., report from, 87,91,171 _ Cultivation of corn, 192. Culture of g r a s s e s , 203.


B a c c a l a u r e a t e a d d r e s s , 175. { Baker, Prof. I. O., 50. Baker, Prof. J. O., r e p o r t frdm, 154. Baker. A. B.. 50.103. Baker, Miss K. M., 50,103. Black walnut, 264. B a r r e t t , D. H., 103. B a s s wood, 272. Bennett. Charles, 97. Biological laboratory, 17. Books, 54, 57. Botany, 143. Botanical laboratory, 76,106. B o x eider, 265. Brownlee, Prof. J. H., 53,103. Buildings and g r o u n d s , 47, 51, 75. 76, 98. B u n k e r Hill Academy, 86, 96. B u n n . J . W., 34. B u r r Oak, 274. Burrill, Prof. T. J., 34, 78,103. Burrill, Prof. T. J., r e p o r t from. 65, 90.143. B u s i n e s s Agent's report, 27,39.60,74,80,105. B u s i n e s s Agent, to m a k e estimates, etc.. 18. Butler, N. Jr., 103. Butternut, 265. D e g r e e s conferred, 37,44,99.

Earle, P a r k e r , 44. Elasticity of wool, 233. Electrical a p p a r a t u s , 22,106. Elm, 269. Elocution, 46,95. Elocution, t e a c h e r of, 17,35,51. English l a n g u a g e and literature, 169. Entomological collection.57,62,72. Entomologist, State, 61,74,94,106. E u r o p e a n larch,270. Executive committee. 98. E x p e r i m e n t a l stations, 43, 86,95.


Faculty, 3, 4. F a r m committee, 34,61, 93,98,107. F a r m house, 57. F a r m e r s ' Institute, 86. F a r m p a p e r s , 188. F i n a n c e s , 23, 98. F i n e n e s s of wool, 229. Florida woods. 43. F o r b e s , Prof. S. A., 19,50,103. F o r b e s , Prof. S. A., r e p o r t from, 47, 55, 56, 57, 93,100.160. Forest tree plantation, 255. Foul brood, 294.


C a p t a i n s ' c o m m i s s i o n s , 38. Carnes, Prof. Wm.,35. Cass, Miss J o s e p h i n e A., 53. Catalogue, 22,31,56,87,94. Catalpa, 266,267. Cattle feeding a n d m a n a g e m e n t , 209. Cedar, 268. Certificates conferred, 37,40,99.
