Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

280 Forest Tree Plantation. &>Lw! & r October, 1886. O 0 P 0' C3 33 > L > CD - 1 l O CD r+>CD < j l CD 0 0 a M 3 P CD ^£ -•£ a 0 O z? O* ^ 0 CO W C D O !: P 1, CD 0 72 K CD ; Q p ft w i: j ; cp^ GTQ P 0 f 20 15 64 00 06 00 31 44 10 50 50 40 64 00 86 42 00 34 76 39 69 31 16 $35 W 20 0O 8 00 5 007 00 -: Ailanthus Apple & 2 4- 5 3 4 i' &': 18 |18 40 37 31 30 17% 28 <> xi : : $10 50 76 24 2 20 2 21 30 4 3 4 10 98 10 20 8 15 5 30 30 122 29 8 40 00 94 00 00 40 00 77 $25 20 42 58 8 50 3 43 5 50 4 17 Asli, Green Blackwalnut Box Elder Butternut Catalpa, Hardy Oatalpa, Tender Chestnut Elm, American . . . . Hickory. Small Nut Hickory, Large Nut Honey .Locust 2 2x4 Larch M4x8 Linden 2/52x4 Maple, Hard % 2x4 Maple, Soft % 4x8 Oak, Burr . ^ 2x4 Osage Orange. % 4x4 Pine, Austrian HI 4x4 Pine, Scotch Ij4x4 Pine, White M2x4 Spruce, Norway VA 2 X 4 Willow, White Totals "1-oUxH 1881 % 4 x 4 1876-7 3 2x4 1871? M 2 x 4 1873 1/5 2 x 4 1877 M 2 x 4 1871 ^ 4 x 8 1881 & 2 x 4 1871 1871 & 2 x 4 1871 Vs 2x4 1871 a /5 2 x 8 1880 3/5 2 x 8 1880 34 4x8 1882 1871 1881 1873 1871 1885 1871 1872 1872 1872 1872 1871 Seed. 2 2 2 2 - 3 ft i 2 2 29 5 Seed. ! 2~4 Seed . 12-4 2" |13 2 1 6 3- 7 3 4 2 9-12 1-2 12-15 12-15 1 34 17 '22 44 2-3 23 27 29 25 25 59 X 3^ 'SVs X X XX 6 8 5 X 5M 4-H «v2 X XX xxx xxx xxx XX XX XX XX X XX $15 190 21 1.1 24 6 43 i4 10 6 9 5 189 5 20 11 2 14 69 48 250 34 27 00 63 14 00 23 50 37 65 39 00 00 00 44 60 26 09 00 14 36 14 45 92 49 $90 310 53 13 48 14 69 57 19 9 13 21 308 20 50 25 23 24 103 82 382 72 40 6 79 00 76 3 95 50 50 00 " * " 6 ' 4 0 00 00 00 16 00 44 00 00 49 94 00 21 6 10 6 6 4 4 4 9 7 4 20 40 60 17 00 78 40 25 85 45 57 8 2% 3 xxx ir ft in in IK XX XX 6y> X X 7% X X X 5% 5 8M 7fc X X xxx 2 50 3 25 65 00 5 0O 2 50 30 00 . 1 xxx xxx xxx $637 30 $192 28 $1029 79 $1846 87 $183 2 5 In explanation of the above table it may be said that the distance apart is the original spacing of the trees. Most kinds have been thinned. The dimension of the trees are those taken in October, 1886. The present condition of healthfullness and thriftiness is indicated in the column by x x . Here one x stands for poor order, two, fair only, and three x x x in excellent condition and promising appearance. In tU case of the Larch, a doable indication is required on account of the difference in the plantation on the low and high ground. In the columns of cost, the exact items are put down when known, otherwise approximate estimates are made. When the young trees were purchased, as was the case with all those planted in 1871 and 1872, except the tender Catalpa and Butternut, the exact figure is recorded, but when the seedlings were grown on the University grounds the account of cost was kept with the whole forest-tree nursery—not with the separate rows or blocks of different species. So in the cost of cultivation the amounts named are often obtained by dividing the full amount by the special areas occupied by a single kind. In the column of receipts the amounts are approximate sums. When trees or trimmings were used for the University a definite credit was not usually made, and especially was not to the special kind of tree. The items of cost of the trees and the receipts so far are not regarded as of any importance m the experiment, because they can not be made use of in arranging for another plantation on account of the great variation of prices and circumstances. As already said, the small receipts