Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

250 c. The modulus of elasticity and hence the ultimate value of the wool is greater in the dense fleece than in the open, fleece for ewe's wool, and vice versa for ram's wool. d. The question of the influence of the density of the fleece upon the quality of the wool cannot be considered as fully settled by these results, but the tendency is strongly in favor of the open fleece. 16. Any special relation between the sex and the ultimate seems doubtful. In Vermont, Minnesota, Illinois and Texas, the ewe's wool is stronger, while in New York, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and California the ram's wool takes precedence with this regard. 17. There appears to be a tendency to higher modulus of elasticity and consequently a higher ultimate value in ram's wool than in ewe's wool. 18. If we compare the moduli of elasticity of the wools of rams and ewes two years old for the several sections, we find them to range as follows from highest to lowest: RAMS. •» EWES. MIL Modulus of elasticity... Illinois Modulus of elasticity... 89998 •87677 86249 83690 66226 66036 61520 53936 Illinois Texas Minnesota Vermont California Pennsylvania New York Wisconsin.- . , Vermont Minnesota. Pennsylvania Wisconsin 58263 1 Calif ornia 50361 New York 19. If we compare the averages of the moduli of elasticity for both sexes two years old, we find the sections to stand in the following order: Modulus of elasticity. Modulus of elasticity. P ennsylvania California Wisconsin... New York 65275 62600 58834 55875 Illinois Texas Minnesota Vermont 20. If we compare the average of the moduli of elasticity for all ages and sexes for the several sections, we find them to stand in the following order from highest to lowest: Modulus of elasticity. Illinois Texas Minnesota Vermont 91751 90292 77010 70587 Pennsylvania California ,New York Wisconsin Modulus of elasticity. 63795 61972 55875 48446 • Iiii