Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

249 13. If they be arranged with relation to fineness of both rams and ewes two y&ars old, they will stand respectively: RAMS. EWES. Average fineness in centimillimetr's 1.48 T e x a s 1.821 Vermont 1.92 1 California 1.933 Illinois 1.955 1 Wisconsin 2.06 P e n n s y l v a n i a 2.079 Minnesota 2.219 iNew York Average fineness in centimillimetr's 1.75 1.878 1.897 1.898 1.904 1.91 2.005 2.098 Pennsylvania California Illinois Texas N e w York Termont Minnesota Wisconsin.. . .. 14. If the sections be arranged with reference to the average fineness for both sexes two years old, they will stand in the following order from finest to coarsest: ' Average fineness in centimillimetres. 1.711 1.837 1.883 1.902 1.979 2.034 2.042 2.048 Pennsylvania Texas California Illinois Termont N e w York Minnesota 1 15. The influence of density of the fleece upon all qualities is illustrated in the following table: Fineness— Th'sandths of inch Fineness— centimiUimetres Strain grammes. Stretch—pr cent all 5 X .' Ul o D | ui 1 ! HamsD e n s e fleece Open fleece EwesD e n s e fleece Open fleece 1 2.151 | 1.916 1 2.119 i 1.974 0.846 |!5.473 0.7543 4.378 0.8342 5.113 0.7771 4.581 39.74 42.965 40.04 37.345 18.926 19.086 18.219 18.81 24421 21802 20621 21289 72027 50280 50329 56999 ! This table shows: a. That the finer fibre is found in the loose fleece both in ram's wool and ewe's wrool. b. That there is practically little difference in the ultimate tenacity of the fibre in the two kinds of fleeces, the tendency to the greater strength being in favor of the loose fleece.