Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

18 The Committee on Buildings and Grounds asked that the request of Janitor A. B. Baker concerning his lodgings, which had been referred to them, may be turned over to the Executive Committee and Regent, because of lack of time to duly consider the matter. Their request was granted and the communication so referred. The following resolution was offered by Trustee Bennett and adopted: Resolved, That the Business Agent be required to make out and present to the Board at each quarterly meeting an estimate of the resources and expenditures of the University for the remainder of the then current year; being as to current expenses and receipts the year ending September 1. Trustee Follansbee offered the following resolution, which was carried: Resolved, That the Secretary be directed to cause the transactions of each meeting of the Board to b<* printed within one month after the date thereof, and send a copy to each member of said Board until further ordered. Adjourned until 8 o'clock P. M. EVENING SESSION. The Board met at 8:30 P . M . Members present as before. The following resolution was offered by Trustee Follansbee, and passed: Resolved, That the Secretary of^this Board be and he is hereby directed to embrace in the minutes of its meetings, as spread upon its books of record, all the proceedings, resolutions and reports which are had and considered, in ex tenso. Trustee Follansbee offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the Treasurer and the Committee on Nebraska Lands are hereby directed not to receive moneys upon contracts'for the sale of said lands until such time as the same become due and payable by the terms thereof. Carried. The following resolutions, adopted: offered by Trustee McLean, were Resolved, That the Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University have heard with great satisfaction the suggestion that the State Laboratory of Natural History may be united with the University under their charge. Resolved, That in case such a union shall be accomplished they will, to the extent of the means intrusted to them, aid in carrying forward the valuable work of the laboratory, by assigning to it suitable apartments in the building of the University, and by providing such conveniences as the nature of the work may require, to the end that it may enjoy a commodious and. perpetual home within, and the generous cooperation of, an institution founded and maintained for the promotion of scientific research and the dissemination of practical knowledge. Adjourned. S. M. E. SNYDER, MILLARD, President. Secretary. STANDING COMMITTEES. Executive—Miller, Pearman and Bennett. Farm—Pearman, Earle and .Bennett. Buildings and Grounds—McLean, Follansbee and Postel. Auditing—Paden, Postel and Bennett. Finance—Bennett, Follansbee and Paden.