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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

17 On motion an appropriation of $40 (from State appropriation for shops) was made for the purchase of tools for the architectural department. From the same fund a further amount of $75 was appropriated for drawing tables for the mechanical department. A communication from Janitor A. B. Baker, concerning his apartments, was referred to the committee on buildings and grounds for report. A communication concerning the leasing of the Griggs farm, from Mr. F . G. Jaques, was referred to the Executive Committee. It was moved and carried that an additional appropriation of $150 from current funds be made for the completion of boiler and pump. The employment of a teacher of elocution was, on motion, referred to the Begent and Executive Committee with power to act. The Executive Committee asked for further time to report on purchase of Bush lot, which was granted. On motion the Begent was requested to furnish to the Board a full financial statement as to the condition of the university at the ensuing March meeting. The report of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds concerning requests of Prof. Forbes, was taken up. It was moved that a sum not to exceed $500 be appropriated from current funds for the purpose of repairing and fitting the basement room for service as a biological laboratory; and further, that a sum not to exceed $600 be appropriated from State appropriations for cabinets for the purpose of furnishing models, materials for dissection and contingent expenses for the zoological laboratory. Carried. On motion a sum not to exceed $150 was appropriated from current funds to meet expenses of the university exhibit at the New Orleans Exposition. The balance of the State appropriation for books and publications of $13.70 was directed to be expended by a committee consisting of the Begent, Librarian and Business Agent. The Auditing Committee reported orally that they have found the Treasurer's report correct, and recommend that it be received and filed. The report of the committee was adopted. The following resolution of Trustee Follansbee was adopted: Resolved, That the regular. quarterly meetings of this Board be held on the second Tuesdays of March, September and December respectively, and on the Tuesday of June immediately preceding commencement day. On motion of Trustee Pearman, the Begent and. Executive Committee were authorized to publish the Begent's biennial report to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and a sum not to exceed $50 was appropriated for the purpose. On motion of Trustee Follansbee, the bill of Messrs. Trevett & Green for plumbing, amounting to $618.33, was referred to the Executive Committee, with power to act. Ind.—2 •
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