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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

16 The committee on legislative action made the following report: To the Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: GENTLEMAN : Your committee appointed to consider legislation needed by this University, and to report from time to time, respectfully present the following report: For reasons so often set forth in the reports of the Eegent, and in accordance with the numerous requests of the alumni, the students, and the patrons of the University, your committee advises that the General Assembly at its next session be asked to change the name of the University and give it the name of " The University of Illinois." By order of the Committee on Legislation. S. H. PEABODY, Chairman. The report was adopted. On motion the meeting adjourned until 2 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Board convened at 2:30 P. M. Present: Trustees Bennett, Follansbee, McLean, Millard, Pearman and Postel. The Committee on Legislation submitted the following further report: To the,'Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: GENTLEMEN : Your committee appointed to consider what legislation in behalf of this University should be asked of the next General Assembly of the State of Illinois, have carefully considered the financial condition of the University, and respectfully report that appropriations be asked for the maintenance of the University for the two years to come as follows: 1—For taxes on lands in Nebraska and Minnesota $2,000 00 per annum. 2—For repairs and improvements in buildings and grounds 3,000 00 " 3—For instruction in the mechanical shops 1,500 00 " 4—For the chemical, physical and botanical laboratories 1,500 00 5—For the purchase of books and periodicals 1,500 00 " 6—For collecting, preparing and preserving specimens of natural history 1,000 00 " 7—For current expenses of instruction 12,000 00 " 8—For additional machines for shops 2,000 00 " 9—For building fire walls in the main building and for completing the ventilation of the same 4,500 00 " All of which is respectfully submitted. By order of the committee, S. H. PEABODY, Chairman. On motion the action was concurred in. Trustee Bennett offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the committee on legislation are hereby instructed to take such steps as in their judgment may be necessary to present to the Legislature of this State the needs of the University for the next two years, and to ask the necessary appropriations for that purpose. The resolution was carried. The Board then proceeded to the consideration of requests from professors and departments, as contained in the Begent's report. The request of Prof. Burrill concerning the needs of the horticultural department, was referred to the Executive Committee with power to act. The request of Prof. Eoos, for an assistant in drawing and certain fittings needed in the drawing room, was also referred to the Executive Committee with power to act. It was moved and carried, that an appropriation not to exceed $125 be granted (from the State appropriation for physical apparatus) for models, etc., to be expended under the direction of the Begent and Prof. Baker.
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