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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

9 * Trevett & Green. The work was put in hand, but when completed was found to have very considerably exceeded the amount appropriated. The work has been well done, and as the needs of the case required. I ask that you will refer the matter to a committee, who shall make a just settlement with Trevett & Green. The payments have been delayed pending your action. THE NEW BOILER AND F I R E PUMP, authorized at the December meeting, have been procured and put in their places. Upon setting the pump it was found that the pipes leading to it from the well and cisterns, and from it to the different parts of the house, needed to be enlarged to adapt them to the capacity of the pump. The sum of $150 will be needed to complete this improvement. THE NEW ORLEANS EXPOSITION. Much labor has been expended upon this object by Profs. Burrill, Morrow and others, and I have just returned from New Orleans, where I went to see that the work done at the University wa& properly displayed. As directed by you, this exhibit has been made without any cost to the University for packing, transportation, cases, etc. Some expenses have been incurred in framing drawings, and in preparing some unfinished models and in other similar matters, which we can scarcely expect should be paid from the funds in the hands of the Commissioner of Illinois for this exposition. I ask that $153 be appropriated for this purpose. The University has received a very prominent place in the exhibit representing the resources of the State of Illinois. It is likely to be in the end the recipient of much material of value to its collections, and at little cost. The State commissioner has a very limited sum of money to work upon, and he should not l>e asked to pay for expenses for preparation of University articles. Prof. Morrow's annual report of the farms is herewith submitted. Prof. Eoos' report and requests are transmitted. He needs an assistant, and the nomination of Mr. Horace Taylor is approved. Prof. Eicker asks for additional turning tools for the carpenter shop. Four sets are needed, at a cost of $40. The school of Mechanical Engineering needs additional %desks for its drawing room; $75 are asked for this purpose. Prof. I. 0 . Baker's request for illustrative material is transmitted to you. Something of the kind will be greatly useful to his department. I also ask your attention to a request from Mr.*A. B. Baker in regard to his apartments. Authority is asked for the purchase of periodicals for the library to the amount of $300, and of books to the amount of $1,000. Respectfully submitted, S. H. PEABODY, Regent. On motion, the report of the Regent was received for consideration.
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