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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

149 About twenty problems are given in Graphic Statics proper, the strains are found in six type-trusses, and full determinations of sections and details of joints are made for two trusses, one being of wood3 the other of wrought-iron. After trying numerous text-books, blue-print lectures have been employed for several years past. During the last summer these lectures have been revised, simplified, as well as extended by considerable additions, printed in book-form, and it is intended to employ this text-book during the next term. This study was introduced in this University in 1875—as early as anywhere in the United States, with the possible exception of Sheffield Scientific School. It is now taught in every Engineering College of any importance. ELEMENTS OF WOOD, STONE, BRICK AND METAL CONSTRUCTION — This study occupies two terms of the second year, and blue-print lectures are employed. The course of study embraces the technology of the woods and their uses, the formulae used in determining the strength of materials,, joints used in carpentry, the construction of floors, walls, ceilings and roofs of various forms. Joints used in joinery, mouldings, panelling, doors, windows and stairs with their railings. Technology of building-stones and mortars, stone construction, stone-cutting, drawings for stone-work. Technology of bricks and terra cotta, brick masonry, tiles, terra cotta work. .Manufacture of cast-iron, wrought-iron and steel, their qualities and uses. Columns, girders, joints, fire-proof construction. The problems require special computation, and each student is required to prepare working drawings of the construction specified. About twenty problems are usually worked out in each term, and special attention has been devoted to accuracy and neatness of execution. ELEMENTS OF SANITARY CONSTRUCTION.—This study was under my charge at first, but has been transferred to the Assistant in Engineering. The wrork consists of recitations from Gerhard's Drainage and Sewerage of Dwellings for half a term, the remaining time being occupied by the use of engineering instruments in making surveys or drains, staking out-buildings, etc. ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING.—This study also occupies two terms, and about six full size plates are required per term, according to the subject chosen. Tuthill's Architectural Drawing is used as a text-book, because it contains many excellent suggestions for the execution of drawings, considerable information on construction, and several very complete sets of drawings for different kinds of buildings. The student is required to copy one complete set of these drawings during each ierm, taking a simple building at first, and a complex one during he second term. These drawings are finished in the manner usually employed in office work. The object of the study is to give
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