UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 [PAGE 132]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886
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124 List of

No.! Date.

To W h o m .


F o r What. ! Amount.

1885. 2 % Dec. 15.. 297 15.. 298j 15. 299 15. 15.. 300 31.. 301 31.. 302| 31.. 303| 31.. 304 31.. 3051 31.. 306 31.. 307 31.. 308 31.. 309| 31.. 310 31.. 311 31.. 31! 31.. 313| 31.. 314 31.. 315| 31.. 316| 31.. 317 31.. 318| 31.. 319 31.. 320| 31.. 321 31.. 322! 31.. 323j 31.. 324 31.. 325; 31.. 326 i 31.. 327! 31.. 328' 31.. 329 31.. 330; 31.. 3311 31.. 332! 31..

31.. 31.. 31.. 31.. 31.. 31.. 31.. 31.. 3411 31.. 342 31.. 343! 31.. 344 31.. 345: 31.. 346 31.. 347 31.. 348j 31.. 349 31.. 350 1886. 351! J a n . 15

15. 15. 15. 15. 15. 15. 15.. 15. 15. 15.. 15. 15. 15. 15. 15. 15. 15. 15. 15. 45. 15.

3«| 334 335 336 337 333 339 340|

Building corn-crib.... W.S. Beard H.McElwin Slating black-board S.W. Stratton Lettering certificates W.&C. Railway Co One lot Champaign National Bank Two lots S.H. Peabody Salary for December, 1S85 T. J. Burrill S. W. Shattuek E.Snyder J.C. Pickard N. C. Bicker J. D. Crawford G. E. Morrow P. Boos I. O, Baker Wm. McMurtrie S.'A. Forbes T.B. Comstock C. W.Bolfe W. T. Woods A.N.Talbot E.A.Kimball G. W. Parker J. A. Cass H. B. Gregory S.W. Stratton G. C. Hewes W. H. Garman .. G. W. McClure A.B.Baker M. J.Snyder C.A.Hart C M . Weed Entomological work C. W. Woodworth Field assistance D.-S. Harris Expenses of Entomological office S.A.Forbes Books Colegrove Book Co Mason work Anderson &. Bainum Printing ILlini Lights, November, 1885. C. &U. Gas Co Advertising P.A.Fulton Expenses to December meeting S.M.Millard G. C. Eisenmayer... C. Bennett G. A. Follansbee P.N. Paden Alexander McLean Carriage hire G.A. Huff Band. L. F. term, 1885... Grant Gregory Salary, December, 1885. A. J. Stoneburner American Philological Soc'y Transactions, 1885 Cord and brackets Marshall Field &Co.. . P. Prybil Plainer and shaftings... Objective, etc ames Queen & Co Book D. C. Long D.H.Barrett Salary. December, 1885 Grace Peabody Agricultural Department. Farm expenses, December, 1885 Horticultural Department E.T.Engie Night firing J. Tierney Work in architectural shops. H. E.Parker Painting R.Birkholz Work Anton Iten Central Union Telephone Co One quarter's rent Drawings E. N. McAllister Woifert air tester W. P. Gerhard Engine lathe Gould & Eberhard Repairs on Philo. hall D. H.Lloyde&Son Salary. December, 1885 C. M. Maltby jS. B.Skehan Botanical assistance. T.J.Burrill Pt. fish casts , P. Baumgrass Book B. F. Thumen Plates of birds Photo Engraving Co American Ento. Society... Transactions. Vol. 12. Book Geo. W. Try on

114 00 71 45 12 00 150 00 830 00 250 00 166 66 166 66 166 66

16 m 6

166 66 160 66 166 ( 6 5 141 (^ 150 00 166 66

96 m

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150 00 120 00 40 00 100 00 125 00 80 00 100 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 84 00 55 00 70 00 45 00 45 00 40 00 29 68 15 00 100 • 0 . 2 38 12 75 7 35 56 00 2 50 19 18 18 50 6 00 11 18 11 00 24 38 7 25 15 00 65 00

2 50

3 247 30 3 46, 50 00 50

352 353 354! 355 356! 357! 358 359! 360! 361 362 363

3641 365 366 367] 368! " 369 ^ 370 371 372

15 00 14 87 143 30 14 55 10 50 50 40 11 25 13 29 22 01 15 00 I 25 ) 10 00 330 00 75 00 11 85 11 10 100 00 30 00 3 50 10 80 4 00 ( 00 i