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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

106 The following appropriations were marie on recommendation of the Kegent: $63 05 for shutters in 'Drawing Eoom. 125 00 for repairs of veranda floor. 50 00 for railing in Library. 100 00 for repair of gradener's house. 150 00 for additonal room for Botanical Library. 100 00 for shutters in Zoological Laboratory. 154 76 for microscopes for cabinets. 180 00 for Herbarium and specimens. 125 00 for Microscopic Objective for Botanical Laboratory. 450 00 for apparatus for Electric Measurements, 50 00 for collection of architectural drawings and photographs. 55 00 for cases for same. 110 00 for fitting Drill Hall for Commencement exercises. A letter from Minnesota in regard to University lands was referred to the Eegent, with power to act. The Eegent was authorized to investigate, in his discretion, the condition of the University lands in Minnesota, and $100 was appropriated for his expenses, lie was also authorized to have the patents recorded, if deemed desirable, and $50 was appropriated for the purpose. The Treasurer was directed to deliver the patents to the Kegent for recording. Trustee McLean offered adopted: the following resolution, which was Resolved, That the President and Secretary be directed to draw their requisition upon the State Auditor for the several sums of money appropriated by the G-eneral Assembly for the use of the State Laboratory of Natural History and the State Entomologist's office for the quarter ending {September 30,1886. For field work and incidental expense of the Laboratory, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars. For the traveling, office and incidental expenses of the Entomologist, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars. For improvement of the Library, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. For the pay of the Entomological assistant, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. For the pay of the Botanical assistant, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. For miscellaneous assistance, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. For the publication of bulletins, the sum of seventy-five dollars. On motion of Trustee McLean, the President and Kecording Secretary were directed to draw their requisition upon the State Auditor for the State appropriation due July 1, 1886, for the ensuing year. The Board then adjourned to Wednesday, June 9, 1886, at 10 A. M. SECOND DAY'S SESSION. The Board assembled at 10 o'clock A. M. Present: Trustees Bennett, Cobb, Earle, Eisenmayer, McLean,, Millard, and Pearman. The Board took a recess until 8 P. M., to attend commencement exercises.
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