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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

98 CHAMPAIGN, I I I . , March 23,1886. To the Trustees of the University of Illinois: GENTLEMEN—I herewith tender this my resignation of the office of Eegent of this University, to take effect at such time as may suit your convenience, not later than the first of July next. While so doing I beg to express my profound acknowledgments for the continued courtesies which you have shown me while engaged in the discharge of the duties of this office, and to express my sincere wish for the continued and greater prosperity of the University of Illinois. I remain ever sincerely yours, SEL1M H. PEABODY. Upon receiving the communication the Board resolved itself into a committee of the whole to discuss the same, and after full consideration the following resolution was offered by Trustee Pearman, seconded by Trustee Eisenmayer, and unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the resignation of Dr. S. H. Peabody, now on file with the Board, be not accepted. On motion of Trustee Eisenmayer, seconded by Trustee Earle, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the sum of one thousand dollars be added to the salary of Eegent S. H. Peabody for the current year ending March 8.1887. The President then announced the following standing committees: By election, Executive Committee—President Millard, Trustees Pearman and Bennett. Farm Committee—Trustees Pearman, Cobb and Earle. Buildings and Grounds—Trustees McLean, Follansbee and Eisenmayer. Auditing Committee—Trustees Paden, Eisenmayer and Bennett. Finance Committee—Trustees Follansbee, Bennett and Paden. Committee on Publications (by resolution)—President, Eegent and Corresponding Secretary. On motion of Mr. McLean, the Board adjourned.
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