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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

93 tank in the roof. The consumption of water is about 1.200 gallons per day in term time or •about 200,000 gallons per year. No lack of water for ordinary purposes has ever been experienced here. The cost of elevating the water here is about the same per barrel as at the other building or say $60 per year. The Mechanical building has about 10,000 square feet of roof, but has no cistern, and the rainwater is suffered to flow away. It has two wells, one being four feet in diameter and nowT holding 29 feet of water. The other is three feet in diameter and has 9 feet of water. The daily use of water is about 150 gallons, or about 30,000 gallons per year. The supply is ample, but the wells are in the yard and might be inaccessible in case of fire. All of which is respectfully submitted. S. H. PEABODY, N. CLIFFORD BICKER, Committee. The report was received, ordered on file, and committee were dis•charged. The following report from the Farm Committee was presented and read: CHAMPAIGN, I I I . , Jan. 26,1886. % At a meeting of the Farm Committee of the University of Illinois, held at the University building on the above date, Professor Morrow was authorized by said committee to purchase for the use of the University two or three animals of each of the breeds of Hereford and Holstein cattle, at an expense not to exceed $1,200. He was further authorized to make necessary arrangements for a~public sale of about thirty head of the Short-horn cattle now belonging to the University, such sale to take place at such time in the early spring and summer as may seem most desirable. The Regent was also authorized to tender to the State Board of Agriculture proper facilities on the University farm for a competitive trial of tile ditching machines. It was agreed by said committee that in their report to the Board of Trustees at its next regular meeting the committee would recommend the employment by the University of an assistant in agriculture, such assistant to be selected with reference to his fitness to give instruction to students and classes, and his ability, under the general supervision of the Professor of Agriculture, to superintend the affairs of the farm, and especially to conduct agricultural experiments. CHARLES BENNETT, J T. PEARMAN, . Farm Committee. The report was received and approved, and the Kegent was authorized to employ a competent assistant in agriculture at a salary of $80 per month. The following report from Professor S. A. Forbes, Director of the State Laboratory of Natural History, was read: D B . S. H. PEABODY, Regent: CHAMPAIGN, I I I . , March 24,1886. SIK—The State Board of Education, formerly in charge of the State Laboratory of Natural History, held last December its first meeting at Normal since the law was passed authorizing and requiring the transfer of the property of the State Laboratory of Natural History to the Trustees of this University, and at that meeting they passed a resolution authorizing one of the standing committees of that Board to effect the transfer according to the terms of the law. An informal understanding was had that whatever arrangement might be mutually satisfactory to the Curator o£ the Museum at the Normal University and myself would have the approval of that committee, but owing to the unexpected absence from the State of the former gentleman some part of the business remains still unsettled. It has been my intention to.prepare for this meeting of the Board of Trustees a formal report of the condition of the property and work of the State Laboratory of Natural History, but thinking that this report may best be rendered after the belongings of the Laboratory are all in hand, I now beg to defer it until the June meeting of the Board. I have consequently at this time only to request the passage of the usual formal resolution making the quarterly installment of our appropriations available, and to ask authority to increase to $45 per month the salaries of Thomas F. Hunt and Clarence M. Weed, assistants in the Laboratory: this increase in the salary of Mr. Hunt to date from the 1st of February, that of Mr. Weed from the 1st of April. Kespectfully submitted, S. A. FOBBES, Director of Laboratory. The report was received, and the recommendation of increase of salary for Assistants T. F . Hunt, (from February 1) and C. M. Weed (from April 1), from $40 to $45 per month, was approved.
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