Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1884 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
13 SUMMAKY OF STUDENTS For the year ending June, 1883. Gent l e m e n L a d i e s Total. 1 4 .28 52 53 64 80 8 289 B Y COUESES, BY CLASSES. Kesident graduates Seniors Freshmen Special Total , * 1 13 17 18 18 20 6 93 1 r 41 69 71 82 100 14 382 Agriculture Mechanical engineering Civil e n g i n e e r i n g Architecture Chemistry Natural history Art a n d d e s i g n English and modern languages Elective Not specified Resident graduates Total 1 28 39 52 3 18 40 7 48 13 14 23J 285] 4 289| 4 69 2 4 6 92 1 93 28 39 52 3 18 40 11 7 117 15 18 29 377 5 382 SUMMARY OF STUDENTS For the year ending June, 1884. Gentlemen Ladies Total. 3 52 44 62 71 85 13 261 BY COUESES. 61 9 BY CLASSES. Resident graduates. Seniors Juniors Sophomores Freshmen. Preparatory Special Total. Agriculture Mechanical engineering Civil engineering Mining engineering Architecture Chemistry N atural history Art and design English and modern languages. Ancient languages Elective Not specified Resident graduates. Total 41 7; 21 258 261 69! 24 45 51 2 21 26 17 6 94 8 12 2i 327 3 330