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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1884 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

215 Current Appropriations. Sept. 4th, 1883. ceip A p p r o p r i - R ealso t s E x p e n d e d ated. appro'at'd $423 75 17,990 50 1,500 300 497 00 00 00 00 77 $91 99 108 50 699 424 3,785 150 112 24 00 51 04 00 $239 6,499 1.898 35 712 259 814 383 2.125 157 143 20 4 110 450 52 80 01 31 19 00 57 87 87 96 03 75 25 04 00 Balance. Board expense State Salaries Buildings and grounds F u e l a n d lights Stationery and printing Architectural department Mechanical " Agricultural '' Horticultural " Chemical " Military " Library and apparatus .... Incidental expense Preparatory department Sundries—Physical Lab. b a l . . . . C a b i n e t s bal E x a m i n a t i o n of s c h o o l s Civil E n g i n e e r i n g S t u d e n t fees Music fees P r e m i u m on b o n d s C h a s e lots Art d e p a r t m e n t Hat room $184 23 9,592 106 896 41 382 40 2.159 19 68 31 00 44 13 64 500 00 18 50 50 200 41 8 19 17 41 00 00 00 96 85 20 51 . . \ 417 50 29 25 45 75 89 96 40 8 19 2 16 85 20 44 1 80 15 07 48 300 450 48 30 00 00 00 36 63 300 00 450 00 50 00 2,702 75 48 00 i 64 State Appropriations. J u l y 1st, 1883. T a x e s on l a n d s Buildings a n d g r o u n d s M e c h a n i c a l a n d Arch, s h o p s . Books and publications Cabinets JBlacksmith s h o p M a c h i n e s a n d tools % per annum " *' " " " " *-. Appropri- Beceived. Expended ated. $5,000 6,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 2.000 28,000 2.500 2.001 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $2,469 3,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,000 14,000 2.500 2,000 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $2,469 2,835 1,083 446 304 75 6,499 2,256 1,559 06 41 05 87 31 32 80 42 77 Balance. $164 • 416 1,053 1,195 924 7,500 243 440 59 95 13 69 68 20 58 23 $54,500 00 $29,469 06 $17,530 01 $11,939 05 The following report from committee on Buildings and Grounds was received, and action thereon deferred until next regular meeting: To President and Board of Trustees of 1.1. U.: The undersigned, your committee on Buildings and Grounds, would respectfully report that we have examined the requests set forth in report of Prof. Burrill, and recommend as follows: 1st. That a good and substantial brick tiling sidewalk be laid in front of main building on line set forth in plan herewith attached, and in lieu of the present plank walk, to be constructed under orders of the Executive Committee. 2d. We would approve of recommendations made by Prof. Burrill relative to cutting out such maple trees as he may deem best in order to preserve the general appearance of the grounds in harmony with all the surroundings. 3d. We would recommend that trees be planted on line of lots bordering on line of ilroad, recently purchased byyour Board, in same manner as the grounds adjoining. Respectfully submitted. ALEXANDER McLEAN, PARKER EARLE, Committee. UKBANA, I I I . , Dec. 12,1883.
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