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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1884 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

202 The following communication from Mr. Emory Cobb was read and received: KAGATZ, SWITZERLAND, August 8,1883. To the BoarU of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: GENTLEMEN—I regret to inform you that on account of sickness in my family, and other reasons, I shall probably not return home until the summer or autumn of 1884. Under these circumstances, I deem it your due and my duty to tender you my resignation as chairman of your Bo;>rd, and hope that you will elect my successor at the coming September meeting. In this connection, please accept my heartfelt thanks for honors you have conferred upon me in the past, and for the uniform courtesy you have ever extended to me as your chairman. Hoping that your deliberations will always be pleasant, and for the best interests of the University, I am, yours, very respectfully, EMORY COBB. Prof. Morrow's report from Agricultural Department was read, accepted, and referred to the Farm Committee. Prof. Burrill's report from Horticultural Department was read, and referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, and the Begent. Adjourned to 7 :30 P. M. EVENING SESSION. The Board met as by adjournment; present, as before. Treasurer Bunn presented his report, which was read, and, on motion of Mr. McLean, it was received and filed. ILLINOIS INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY. To JOHN W. BUNN, TBEASUEEE, Or. • 1883. $74 50 June 5 By balance • 700 00 By interest on Menard Go. bonds 15 1,750 50 4,200 00 July 2 Champaign Co. bonds 2,100 00 Pike Co. bonds 880 00 Sangamon Co. bonds 875 00 Chicago Water bonds : 300 00 Kankakee School bonds d from State for taxes on lands in Minnesota and $2,469 06 Nebraska 44 3,000 00 repairs and improvements By am't rec 1,500 00 expenses of laboratories 1,500 00 " " educational work 1,500 00 " " library and museum 44 " Aug. 31 " addition to machine shop machines and tools 1,000 00 14,000 00 2,500 00 2,000 00 29,469 06 $768 90 1,241 03 411 30 4 22 155 53 140 00 55 83 261 60 3,038 41 $43,386 97 d on acc't Architectural department 44 Agricultural department 4 ' Horticultural department By am't rec ' " Chemical department 44 4 Mechanical and printing * Stationery department 4 ' Buildings and grounds 44 I . C. R. R. freight d o n a t i o n s U B B A N A , Sept. 4,1883. J O H N W. BUNN, Treasurer.
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