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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1884 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

197 BOAED MEETING—JUNE 22, 1888. The Board of Trustees met at 84 LaSalle street, in Chicago, 111., at 10 o'clock A. M., as per adjournment. Present—Messrs. Millard, Bennett, Pearman, Follansbee and McLean. Absent—Messrs. Mason, Kenower, Paden and Cobb. Mr. McLean appointed Secretary pro tempore. On motion, the reading of the minutes of last meeting was postponed till next meeting. Mr. G. A. Follansbee gave Mr. McLean the oath, re-appointing him a Trustee of the Illinois Industrial University. The Begent read his report, which was received. To the Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: GENTLEMEN—I have to present at this adjourned meeting the following subjects for your attention, necessarily passed by at the regular meeting: THE FACULTY, I recommend the re-appointment of Prof. Wm. McMurtrie to the Chair of Chemistry; of Prof. B. C. Jillson to the Chair of Geology and Zoology: of Assistant Prof. C. H. Peabody, in the Department of Mechanics. The appointment of Instructor Jerome Sondericker to be Assistant Professor of Engineering and Mathematics: of Instructor Chas. W. Bolfe, to be Assistant Professor of Natural History, and of Geo. W. Parker, to be foreman of the Carpenter Shop. Of Arthur W. Palmer to. be First Assistant in the Chemical Laboratory, and of F. W. Eberlein to be Second Assistant in the same. I would ask that authority be given for the af pointment of a lady to be Instructor of Ancient Languages, in place of E. S. Morse, resigned, and for the appointment of an assistant in Modern Languages. I ask attention to the* matter of salaries, and that a schedule be arranged such as the necessities of the case seem to require. BUILDINGS AND GEOUNDS. A change is needed in the method of sewering the Main and Chemical buildings. At present the drainage is conducted to an open pore southeast of the Main buildings, whence the overflow is carried by two small tile-drains across land not owned by the, University, opening in the highway on Green street east of Prof. BurriU's house. The small drains are now choked up, and need relaying, even if the drainage is kept as it is now arranged. Abetter plan would be to open a sufficient sewer from a point mid-way between the Main and Chemical buildings, to run directly north and empty into the creek in the Arboretum, the whole line being on the property of the University. This sewer should be connected with the buildings by short changes of present lines, and with the drainage system of the wet lands beyond. Surveys and estimates are made, which I present herewith. The water-closet attached to the ladies' dressing room has become a serious trouble at times infecting the whole west wing. The closets should be taken out, and reconstructed; with proper arrangements, and our ample supply of water, there is no reason why they may not be kept clean, and the present annoyance be obviated. The fence on the north side of Green street needs to be replaced.
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