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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1884 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

195 Sundries. Physical laboratory, balance Cabinets Examination of schools Students' government Total , $45 46 9 45 25 00 25 00 $104 91 $14,200 79 The Executive Committee reported in regard to the Illini Press property, and submitted the following resolutions, which were adopted: Resolved, That all property purchased with funds belonging to the 1.1. U., or with funds appropriated therefor by the State, for the purpose of assisting the students of said University to publish a students' paper, be held by the Trustees of said University in trust, to be used by the students of said University for said purpose. And that the Eegent of the University be authorized to receive and receipt for, in the name of the Trustees, any property furnished by students or others for said purpose, which property, when received or receipted for as aforesaid, shall be held in trust by the Trustees for said purpose, such paper to be published under such regulations as the Trustees, or the Faculty by authority of Trustees, shall from time to time make. The Auditing Committee made the following report: ILLINOIS INDUSTRIAL UNIVEESITY, CHAMPAIGN, I I I . , June 6,1883. To Board of Trustees, I. I. JJ: Your committee appointed to audit accounts of Business Agent would report that they have examined vouchers from No. 296 to 460 inclusive, and find the same in due form and properly receipted, and recommend that the same be approved. GEO. F. KENOWER, OHAS. BENNETT, G. A. FOLLANSBEE, Auditing Committee. Mr. Millard made the following report, which was accepted and adopted: WHEREAS, This Board has learned of the death of Daniel Gardner, a former colleague of long standing and great usefulness, it is therefore Ordered, That in respectful tribute the following memorial be spread upon the records of the Board; and that a copy be sent to the family of the deceased. S. M. MILLARD, J. T. PEARMAN, Committee. IN MEMORIAM. Daniel Gardner was in early life a resident of the State of Ohio, where he was at one time a member of the State Senate. He came to Champaign, Illinois, in 1856, where he was occupied as a farmer, and afterward as a banker. In 1873, he was appointed a Trustee of the Illinois Industrial University, and served until 1881, as one of the most esteemed and efficient members of this Board. "Ever faithful to his trust, his candid practical judgment and sterling integrity lent great weight to his counsels. He was a man of genial character and of noble impulses, conscientious and earnest, always seeking the highest interest of the institution which he represented, and ever showing a courteous consideration for those who were his colleagues or subordinates. In his death the University has lost a valued friend, an earnest supporter, and a wise and safe counselor. A communication from Mr. M. Chase, relating to the sale of certain lots, was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for report at next meeting. A communication from Mr. W. A. Day, in regard to sale of Nebraska lands, was referred to Executive Committee and Eegent. Mr. Hickox' bill for attorney's fees, amounting to $30, was allowed and the Business Agent directed to pay the same. The following resolutions were reported by Mr. Bennett, and adopted:
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