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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1884 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193 WHEEEAS, The organization for the purpose of maintaining discipline in the University, known as the Students' Government, has been for some time of doubtful efficiency; and. WHEREAS. At a special election, held on the 29th of May last, the, question of the continuity of the government being the only issue voted upon, the result of the ballot was 110 votes against the continuance of the government, to 70 votes for the same, the remainder of the students being apparently indifferent upon the question; and, WHEREAS, The efficient action of this form of government can be maintained only when the government is sustained by the earnest concurrent sentiment of a majority of the students of the University; therefore, Resolved by th°. Faculty of the Illinois Industrial University, That it hereby recalls into its own hands and resumes all authority which it did heretofore commit to the Students' Government, and that the functions of said government shall cease at the end of the current collegiate year. Resolved, That the present officers of the Students' Government be required to deposit the records of the government with the Regent of the University, to be kept with the records of the University. Resolved, That the Regent be requested to communicate these resolutions to the Trustees at their next meeting, and that the Trustees be respectfully asked to approve of and concur in the action here taken. All action of the Board based upon appropriations to be made by the present Legislature was deferred to an adjourned meeting of the Board. Moved that a committee of three be appointed to draft resolutions in regard to Lieut. W. T. Wood, now relieved from duty as Professor of Military Science. The chair so appointed Messrs. Bennett, Follansbee and Kenower. Authority was given to continue Mr. G. W. Parker as foreman in the Architectural shops at $60 per month, until the next meeting of the Board. The Begent's recommendation relating to employing an assistant in the department of Modern Languages was postponed until next meeting. Mrs. Abbie Wilkinson was appointed teacher of vocal and instrumental music. The subject of appointing a teacher of elocution was postponed indefinitely. Bepair of barn was ordered as recommended by the Begent, cost not to exceed $250. Prof. Morrow's recommendation in regard to Griggs farm was referred to the Farm Committee for report at the next meeting. Leave of absence during vacation was granted to Professors Boos, Baker and Snyder. The Business Agent read his report, and submitted vouchers, which were received and referred to the Auditing Committee: 8. M. Millard, Esq., Acting Prest. Board of Trustees III. Ind. Univ.: SIR—I have the honor to hand you my report as Business Agent foi? the three months ending May 31st, '83. Paper A is a statement of the current appropriations and receipts for three months. Paper B is a statement of the State appropriations June 1st, '83. Paper C is a list of vouchers for warrants drawn to June 1st. Paper D is a statement of the expected income from invested funds in the next three months ending Sept. ]st. '83. Also from balances and 111. C. freight. Paper E gives the estimated required appropriations, including Dept. balances, for the three months ending Sept. 1st, upon the present basis. I hold in my hands unpaid bills, pay-rolls, etc., to the amount of about $1,200—as the balance in the hands of the treasurer was less than $100 on May 31st, '83. Respectfully submitted, S. W. SHATTUCK, Business Agt. URBANA, I I I . , June 5,1883. —13
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