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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1884 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

189 JUNE MEETING—JUNE 5, 1883. The Board met in the University parlor on Tuesday, June 5, 1883, at 5 P. M. Present: Messrs. Bennett, Pollansbee, Kenower, Millard and Pearman. Absent: Governor Hamilton, Messrs. Cobb, McLean, Paden and Landrigan. The oath of office was administered to the newly appointed members, Messrs. Follansbee and Kenower, by Judge Bennett. A letter from Mr. McLean, respecting his absence, was read and received. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. It was moved and carried to pass to the 4th order of business and take up the Treasurer's report. This report was read, received and referred to the Auditing Committee. ILLINOIS INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSlfY, To John W. Bunn, Treasurer, Br. 1883. May 31 To a m o u n t p a i d for B o a r d e x p e n s e Salaries Buildings a n d g r o u n d s .. " " Fuel and lights S t a t i o n e r y and p r i n t i n g . " " F u r n i t u r e and fixtures . . . Mechanical D e p a r t m e n t . " " Architectural '* " Agricultural Horticultural '• Chemical Military Library and apparatus . " " Incidental expense State appropriations: To a m o u n t paid for books a n d p u b l i c a t i o n s Mechanical and Architectural shops.. " Cabinets Chemical and Physical Laboratories . Sundries: To a m o u n t p a i d for P r e p a r a t o r y D e p a r t m e n t Gay model " " Music c Balance. $88 40 7,595 59 43 51 115 65 86 58 25; 139 87 129 43 1,244 81 116 271 2 30 ?5j 1 90\ . 25 25 $9,620 64 $169 76 355 16 2 26 31 83 $450 00 30 40 38 00 559 01 518 40 74 50 $10,772 55
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