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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1884 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

187 That communication should be maintained with those pursuing the course of studyso provided—by correspondence, and that at stated periods, these persons should be gathered at convenient centers, for brief periods of personal instruction, and for examination. That at the completion of a course of such study extended over several years, diplomas or certificates should be issued to those passing successful examinations, which certificates should set forth the facts. The scheme, as explained, appears to be quite similar to that carried on by the Chautauqua Association. Mr. McClenahan stated that he was about to print the paper which he read before the committee, and that copies would be forwarded to the University, but they have not yet been received. After such considerations as your committee have been able to give this subject, they they have come to this conclusion: 1. There is great doubt in their minds whether this system of instruction would be found adapted to the class of minds which it is designed to reach. Without discussing the merits of the "Chautauqua plan" it is evident that it has been efficient chiefly in its application to persons who had already acquired a considerable impetus from culture derived from other and earlier sources—so that it is possible for such to make progress, remote from instructors, and relying chiefly upon their own energies and incentives. This plan proposes to reach farmers' boys, having had little more than common school instruction, if any, and who, it seems to your committee, would be scarcely likely to progress under such a system of instruction as is proposed. 2. The committee believes that grave questions would arise as to the authority of the Trustees to use the funds now under the control of this University, for such purposes as are set forth in Mr. McOlenahan's communication. At his own estimate the time of one or two persons would be required to make a fair test of the plan, together with some considerable expense for correspondence, printing, and transportation. Your committee therefore respectfully report that in their judgment this Board is not now in circumstances which will warrant the adoption of a scheme of instruction such as Mr. MeClenahan's communication indicates. Respectfully submitted, R.B.MASON, S. M. MILLARD, J. T. PEARMAN, S. H. PEABODY. UEBANA, March 13,1883. The following officers were then duly elected: Hon. Emory Cobb, President of the Board. S. M. Millard, Vice President. Dr. S. H. Peabody, Eegent. J. W. Bunn, Treasurer. Prof. T. J. Burrill, Corresponding Secretary. Prof. E . Snyder, Eecording Secretary. Prof, S. W. Shattuck, Business Agent. The President, Vice President and Dr. Pearman, were appointed Executive Committee. The Auditing Committee submitted the following report, which was approved: ILLINOIS INDUSTKIAL UNIVEKSITY, CHAMPAIGN, I I I . , March 14,1883. To the President and Members of the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University:. The undersigned, your committee to audit accounts, vouchers and warrants issued by authority of your body, would beg to report as follows: We have examined and found correct vouchers number 145 to 295 inclusive (Nov. 29,1882, to .t'et). 28,1888) and iind them correct and duly receipted and canceled. We have also examined the books and warrants of the Treasurer, J. W. Bunn, and find warrants number 3<5 to number 758. dated March 15, 1881, to August 31,1881, and number 1, to 804 dated Sept. 1881, to Aug, 31, 1882, and number 1 to 317 inclusive, dated Sept. 1882, to Feb. 28,1883, and iind the same correct, paid and canceled, and recommend that the Treasurer be credited with same on his account.
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