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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1884 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

173 Agreeably to your instructions, a set of books has been prepared to contain the inventories of the several departments, and in most of them the inventories have been written up in a permanent form. A certain amount of incompleteness remains, which I hope to have corrected at an early day. The results are shown in the following table, making a grand total of $127,287.74, of which $7,259.50 belong to the U. 8. Government, and is deposited here for use, mostly under bonds for safe keeping and return when required. Deducting this sum, the movable property of the University amounts to $120,028.24. Inventory of Apparatus, Library, Machinery, and other movable property belonging to the— Value of Estimated Value of enumer- value of articles ated other loaned by articles. articles. U. 8. Gov't $3,402 15 $12,363 00 1,135 00 2,744 25 7,548 001 761 04 2.541 48 1,202 00] 2,570 90] 4.715 100 00 16,021 191 48 50 29 1,400 00! 6,43<> On I 27,426 001 3,084 10 500 68 I 00 65 00 3,250 62 23,000 00 Department ofAgriculture Horticulture and Botany Mechanical Engineering — Architectural Civil Engineering Physical Laboratory Chemical Laboratory Blue Printing Laboratory ... Museum of Natural History Library Art Gallery Art and Design Military and Gymnasium Furniture, etc Heating Apparatus Total inventory Belonging to U. S. Gov't Total belonging to University , Total values. $15, 838 00 3, 880 10 8,361 04 3,743 48. ' "79"50| 2, 650 40 4, 815 85 16, 021 19 78 28 7, 830 00 27, 426 00 3, 048 10 500 68 7,055 00! 7, 808 00 3, 250 62 23, 000 00 $127,287 74 7,259 5© $120,028 24 $73 001 "52*66 I present the petition of the literary societies asking for more light in their halls, and approve its request. I present a communication from the Commissioner of the Agricultural Department at Washington, asking that you will appoint delegates to conventions called by him to sit at his office in the last week of January next. The conventions which will most nearly concern this institution are those which will consider the needs of the agricultural colleges, and of the stock-growing interests. All of which is respectfully submitted. SELIM H. PEABODY, Regent. Mr. Millard moved that the tyds on Nebraska lands be now opened before the bidders present. Carried. The following ten bids received were opened: 1. Bowdle & Newcome, Eldora, Iowa, $6.43 per acre. 2. John Ellis, Beatrice, Nebraska, $5.65 per acre. 3. W. E. Haywood, Pana, 111., $4.14 per acre. 4. C. C. Burr and T. S. Sheldon, Lincoln, Neb., $6.05 per acre.
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