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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1884 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

120 P. flosculosorum, (Alb. & Schw.) Ecehl. II and III. Amphigenous; sori small, scattered or in small clusters; uredospores subglobose sharply echinulate, mostly rather thick walled, 24-30 //; teleutospores broadly elliptical or oval, constriction little or none, rarely thickened at the apex, usually furnished with punctiform to wart like projections, 18-25 by 30-45 n; pedicels hyaline, fragile, not usually longer than the spore. On Cirsium discolor, C. lanceolatum, Taraxacum dens-leonis and Hieracium Canadense. Under this species are included the forms that have been known on Cirsium as P . cirsii, Lasch. and P . compositarum, Schl., on Taraxacum as P. variabilis, Grev., and on Hieracium as P . hieracii, Mart. The teleutospores of American specimens are very minutely warty or apparently smooth, agreeing with Winter's remarks on this species in Hedwigia, XIX, p. 20. Nearly or quite all the specimens on Cirsium present both uredo and teleuto forms, but on Taraxacum teleutospores are found only in specimens collected late in the season. P . maculosa, Schw. III. Amphigenous; sori scattered or regularly collected in definite circinate clusters, often appearing on both sides of the leaf over the same area, cinnamon-brown; spores clavate-oblong, thin walled, fragile, smooth, much constricted, upper segment widest, apex thickened, rounded or variously pointed, base narrowed to the pedicel, 15-18 by 30-45 n; pedicel hyaline, usually less in length than the spore. On Cynthia Virginica. Schweinitz (Syn. Fungi, Am. Bor. p. 295, No. 2922) refers this species to P . maculosa, Strauss; but the latter is P . prenanthis (Schum.), and is very different from the present species. P. lobelia, Gerard. III. Mostly hypophyllous; sori small, scattered or irregularly and rather loosely clustered, cinnamon-brown; spores oblong, smooth, thin-walled, very deeply constricted, fragile, segments equal or the lower narrowed, 15-18 by 30-39 /* ; pedicel very fragile, shorter than the spore. On Lobelia syphilitica and S. puberula. This is P . microsperma B. & C. in Grevillea III, p. 55. The son are more densely aggregated on L. puberula, but there is no other difference. P. seymerice, BurrilL III. Hypophyllous and on stems and calyces; spots definite, darkcolored, sori rather large, mostly crowded in conspicuous, circular clusters a fifth of an inch in diameter, these sometimes confluent,
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