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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1882 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

89 tallizing point. The melada had a very unpleasant saltish taste owing to the presence of salts of ammonia. The sugar crystallized very readily, and although it looked well it still retained somewhat of this saltish taste after being separated from the molasses. Unquestionably this excessive amount of albuminoids—the green scum and suspended precipitate—was taken up by the plant from the nitrogenous elements of the manure, and the saltish taste was due to ammonium salts which came from the same source. Manure therefore not only has a deleterious effect upon the development of sugar in cane, but it also prevents the thorough defecation of the juice which is necessary to the manufacture of sugar. Experiment 2—Aug. 25. Cane same as that of which analyses Nos. 15 and 16 were made. Size of field 3-16 of an acre. CALCULATIONS FOR ONE ACRE. Pounds. Stripped cane with tops 18,535.3 Stripped cane without tops 15,765.9 Weight of juice obtained 6.545.6 Per cent, of juice of stripped and topped c a n e . . . . 41.52 Weight of melada from juice 1,298.7 " bagasse 253.9 Total weight of melada 1,552.6 Weight of sugar from juice 504.6 " . " bagasse 104.0 Total weight of sugar 608.7 Weight of molasses from juice 794.7 " bagasse .. 149.2 Total weight of molasses 943.9 Calculations for one ton of topped and' stripped cane: Weight of juice 830.4 (i sugar 77.2 " molasses 119.7 To obtain the sugar from the bagasse it was packed in large barrels as it left the mill and was exhausted with water. The percolate thus obtained was treated like juice. Experiment No. 3—Sept. 17. Early Amber. Obtained from the University farm. Volunteer growth among the corn. Seed ripe. Cane mostly blown down: Pounds. Weight of stripped and topped cane 1,440 Weight of juice 637 Per cent, of juice 44.2 Weight of melada obtained 145.8 Experiment No. 4. Early Amber, grown upon University farm: Weight of stripped and topped cane " juice obtained , Per cent, of juice Pounds. 1,661.0 603.5 36.33
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