UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1882 [PAGE 224]

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218 The Professor of Horticulture was authorized to use the facilities of the greenhouses for raising plants and flowers for sale, so as to partly defray the expenses of the Department. Prof. Burrill was authorized to carry out the suggestions in his report in regard to assistance in his Department, with advice and concurrence of the Eegent. The Secretary was instructed to notify Professors Weber and Scovell to appear before the Board at 8:30 a. m., and the consideration of the experiments and patents was postponed until after they had been heard. The report of the Business Agent was received and filed: Current

, Board expense Salaries F u e l a n d lights. Stationery and printing Buildings and grounds F u r n i t u r e a n d fixtures Military D e p a r t m e n t L i b r a r y and a p p a r a t u s . Mechanical Department Architectural " Agricultural " Chemical '' Sundries: Physical Laboratory E n g i n e e r i n g College Tuition—Preparatory year Other receipts: S t u d e n t s ' fees. .. Illinois Central freights


Appropriated. $300 00 11,820 00 2,8<>0 00 500 00 50 00 50 00 ]5Q 00 50 00 200 00 54 79 1,710 40 352 12 140 62 34 89 17 75 1 45 U 42 43 Receipts also a p p r o - E x p e n d e d . priated. $123 18 5,383 41 1,280 14 310 27 51 25 48 45 59 00 13 15 52 20 376 61 1,139 56 1,516 21 165 41 756 25 13 05 5 30 615 00 Balance. $176 82 6,436 59 1,519 86 189 73 50 75 1 55 91 00 38 60 147 80 172 47 34 72 2,689 53 236 26 1 55 34 17 3 37 135 89 75 50 13 00

$52 00 1 75 494 1,104 2,495 49 617 29 81 34 55 18



2,9\5 00 780 75



Appropriated. Received. $2,310 37 2,500 00 800 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 5, 700 00 800 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 5,000 00 2,500 00 1,000 00 Expended. $2,310 37 2,145 19 29 97 598 40 203 77 2,140 00 • 93 99 657 45 954 35 4,907 06 2,226 77 1,000 18 Balance.

T a x e s on lands—Vz p e r a n n u m B u i l d i n g s a n d grounds—>£ p e r a n n u m . Chemical, P h y s i c a l , a n d Botanical laboratories—}'2 p e r a n n u m M e c h a n i c a l a n d A r c h i t e c t u r a l shops— V<2, p e r a n n u m B o o k s and publications—% p e r a n n u m C u r r e n t expense—% p e r a n n u m L i b r a r y cases—% p e r a n n u m Cabinets. Engineering instruments Furniture. . Boiler h o u s e H e a t i n g and ventilation F a r m Cottage a n d Dairy

$5,000 00 5,000 00 1,600 00 3,000 00 3,000 00 11,400 00 800 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 5,000 00 2,500 00 1,000 00

$354 81 770 03 901 60 1,296 23 3,560 00 800 00 906 01 342 55 45 65 92 94 273 23

The vouchers were referred to a committee consisting of Messrs. McLean and Bennett. The By-Laws and Begulations for students, as compiled by the the Faculty and submitted by the Kegent for the approval of the