Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1882 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

152 Cells cylindrical, only rarely tapering at the end, .00012 in. and more thick, of various lengths, with mostly two, seldom only one-half or two and a half spiral turns; distance of the latter .00036 to .00048 in.; diameter two-thirds as great; furnished at each end with a cilium. Cell-contents colored by numerous reddish granules with many granules of sulphur. In foul brackish water. According to Warming the longest specimens reach a length of .00260 in., the distance of the turns of the spiral .00060 to .00150 in., diameter one-half to two-thirds, or with the smallest one-fourteenth to one-seventh as much. S . v i o l a c e u m , Warming. Cells either crescent-form (without a complete spiral winding) or with one or one and a fourth spiral turns; abruptly rounded at the ends and furnished with a cilium. Cell-contents violet, containing little granules of sulphur. Distance of the turns of the spiral .00030 to .00040 in., diameter .000J4 to .00006 in., thickness of the cell .00012 to .00016 in. In brackish water. S . R o s e n b e r g i i , Warming. With one or one and a half turns of the spiral, cells .00016 to .00050* long, .00006 to .00010 in, thick; colorless, but with numerous, highly refractive, sulphur granules. Distance of a turn of the spiral .00024 to .00030 in., diameter very different, highest half as much. Active and moving in various ways, but without cilia as it appears. In brackish water. S. a t t e n u a t u m , Warming. Cells tapering to the ends, usually with three spiral turns, the middle one is .00044 in. high and .00024 in. in diameter, the end ones .00040 in. high, and .00080 in. in diameter; thickness of the cell .00005 to .00008 in. In sea water. S. j e n e n s e , Winter. Synonym: Ophidomonas jenensis, Ehrb (Infs. p. 44). Cells obtuse at both ends, furnished with a cilium, olive-brown, .00160 in. long, .000132 in. thick, with one-half to two and a half spiral turns. Whether this is really a distinct species is hard to say so long as it is not again* found in the original locality. Possibly it is identical with Spirillum vclutans. APPENDIX. We connect with the Schizomycetes some genera which are united with them on the part of others without question; but which show so many peculiarities that I may provisionally separate them.