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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1882 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
151 three, four or five spiral turns; height of a single turn of the spiral, .00006 to .00016 in.; diameter, from one-half to the same; movements very active, but also without motion; collected in dense swarms or masses, or forming zoogloea. In various infusions. According to Warming only .00004 in. thick, and the distance of the turns of the spiral -sometimes .00032 to .00040 in.; their diameter only one-eighth to one-tenth this measurement. A confusion appears to prevail in respect to Spirillum tenue and Sp. undula. S . u n d u l a , Ehrb. Synonyms: Vibrio undula, Miiller (Vermium historia, p. 43). Vibrio prolifer, Ehrb. (Infs. p. 81, T. V. Fig. 8.) Cells .00032 to .00018 in. long, .000044 to .000056 in. thick (Kabenhorst; spiral wider than the preceding; turns ,00016 to .00020 in. distant; each cell usuallv having only one-half or one, rarely two or three spiral turns; furnished at each end with a cilium; motions very active; sometimes also forming zoogloea. In swamp water and in various infusions. Ehrenberg gave for Spirillum tenue a thickness of 1-1000 of a Prussian line, and for Sp. undula only 1-1680 of a line; he also said in the description: "Sp. fibris valde tortuosis brevibus, validioribus." According to Warming, Spirillum tenue is more variable than has been hitherto supposed. The turns of the spiral are often very long, so that the cell appears almost straight, therefore the distance between them varies from .00012 to .00042 in., with a diameter from one-tenth to three-fourths of this measurement; the thickness of the cell is from .000024 to .00005. V a r . l i t o r a l e , Warming. Attains .00012 in. thick, length of one turn of the spiral form ,00020 to .00040 in., and diameter from one-sixth to one-fourth as much. On the coast of the Baltic sea. S . v o l u t a n s , Ehrb. Synonyms: Vibrio spirillum, Miiller (Infs. p. 49, T. VI. Eig. 9). Melanella spirillum, Bory <Encycl. method.) Cells somewhat tapering at the ends, gradually rounded, .00100 to .00120 in. long, .00006 to .00008 in. thick; each cell with two and a half to three and a half spiral turns, each of which is .00036 to .00050 in. high, .00026 in. in diameter; furnished with a cilium at each end. In various infusions as well as in swamp water among algae. According to Warming, the spiral is often elongated so that the cell appears almost straight, the diameter then becoming only .00006 to .00016 in. V a r . r o b u s t u m , Warming. Thickness .00008 to .00018 in.; height of spiral .00040 to .00080 i n . ; diameter .00004 to .00012 in.; mostly one and a half t u r n s ; sometimes two cilia at one end. In sea water. S . s a n g u i n e u m , Cohn. Synonym: Ophidomas sanguinea, Ehrb (Monatsber, d. Berl. Akad. 1840, p. 201).
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