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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1880 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
85 LIST OF NATIVE AND FOREIGN WOODS. BY N. CLIFFORD KICKER, M. ARCH., Professor of Architecture. The following list comprises, as far as possible, the woods which are used in the United States and Europe for building, for all industrial purposes, and for furniture and decorative work. It gives the common and botanical names, the place of growth, the qualities and color of each wood, and the uses for which it is chiefly employed. All woods which grow within the United States, and which would probably be of value, are included. Abele—See Poplar. Acacia, false—See Locust. Acacia, true, Acacia proxima mordi. Warm climates; hard, tough, reddish. Ship building, gum arabic, tanning. Alder, Alnus glutinosa. Europe; medium hardness, reddish-yellow. Cogs, spoons, pumps, turning. Algoraba—See Mezquit. Almond, Amygdalus communis. S. Europe and N. Africa; hard. Cogs, tool handles, pulleys. Amboine.- W. Africa; medium hardness, yellowish-brow7n. Veneers, fancy boxes. Angica-wood—See Cangica-wood. Apple, Pyrus malus. America and Europe; hard, reddish-brown. Turning, cabinet work, tool handles. Apple, American crab, Pyrus coronaria. United States; hard, light red. Turning, cogs. Apple, Oregon crab, Pyrus rivularis. California and Oregon; hard, tough. Apricot, Armenica vulgaris. Cultivated. Turning. • ^ Arbor Vitae, Thuja occidentalis. Temperate climates ; soft, reddish. Building, fences, posts. Arbor Vitae, western, Thuju gigantea. Alaska to California; soft, light, durable. Building, shingles. Ash, Fraxinus excelsa. Var. Hungary; yellowish-brown, hard. Veneers, furniture. Ash, Fraxinus excelsior. Europe and N. Asia; hard, tough, white or light brown. Handles, turning, machines, implements. Ash, black, Fraxinus sambucifolia. E. United States; hard, light brown, very durable. Hoops, splints, baskets, chairs. Ash, blue, Fraxinus quadrangulata. E. United States; hard, white, durable. Wagons, furniture, agricultural implements. Ash, mountain, Pyrus Americana. N. United States; hard. Turn^ ing. Ash, Oregon, Fraxinm Qregona, Pacific States; hard. Implements^
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