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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1880 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

258 The President reported that the quit-claim deed to Morton Chase had been executed, as directed by the Board at the June meeting. The Eegent pro tern., from committee on employment of additional teaching force, reported the following recommendations : That Lieut. W. T. Wood be employed to teach classes in Preparatory Mathematics, with compensation of fifteen dollars per month per class; and Mr. J. G. Allison to teach the class in Preparatory Bookkeeping, at twenty dollars per month. The report was approved and adopted. Adjourned to 9 o'clock A. M. SECOND DAY'S SESSION. The Board met at 9 o'clock A. M. Present as before, with Mr. Scott added. Mr. Millard offered the following resolution, which was carried: Resolved, That the Eegent be and is hereby authorized to prepare and place on exhibition in the State capitol at Springfield, during the coming winter, such exhibits relating to the University as he may deem advisable; and that he prepare a brief report, for general use, showing the experiments and work that has been and is now being carried on in the several departments of the University, and anything he may deem advisable for the purpose of giving general information to the people of this State, of the work and scope of this University. Resolved, That the Eegent be authorized to expend in the above matter not to exceed $300; and said amount is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of the University. Mr. Gardner presented the following report from committee on Buildings and Grounds: To the Honorable Board of Trustees: Your committee on Buildings and Grounds submit the following report: Many improvements were desired and intended to be made the past season; sufficient funds were at our disposal to complete them at the commencement of the season. But the injuries to our buildings by storms, amounting to about seven hundred dollars, so reduced our funds that we had to confine ourselves to mere necessities. As far as the grounds are concerned, we think they are in a very creditable condition, showing that they have received proper care from those directly in charge. The want of soft water for steam and other purposes has been supplied by the putting in of a cistern of 300 barrels capacity, which we think will fully supply the wants. The Veterinary Building has been moved back, as instructed by your Board. Owing to the absence of Dr. Prentice the details are not yet completed, but will be as soon as he returns. The dwelling near the Veterinary Building, formerly occupied by farm hands, did not seem to your committee suitable or much needed for that purpose. It is now in course of repairs, as also is the house near the street railway, and both will be rented to students. The old Dormitory Building is now occupied by four students. It has been much and seriously debated what is to be done with that building. Your committee do not feel very proud of its present appearance and condition; we have previously asked your honorable Board for'instructions concerning it; have no definite answer in view of all the facts, and would ask from the Board further instructions as to its final disposal. In its present condition we consider it unsafe for occupancy and unsightly to the grounds. The trees and plants pet out last spring have generally lived and made a good growth. All of which is respectfully submitted. D. GABDNEB, ALEXANDEE McLEAN, Committee. Mr. Scott made the following report from committee • on Uniforms : To the Honorable Board of Trustees: Your committee would report that after having received bids and propositions from various firms, they have decided to accept the bid of Sweitzer and Woody, and recommend that the students make their purchases of suits of said firm. E. COBB, J. E. SCOTT, D. GAEDNEE, Committee.
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