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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1880 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

257 List of Vouchers—Continued. No. 737 738 789 740 741 743 743 744 745 746 747 748 To w h o m . Geo. A. Wild R. H a n n a S. W. S h a t t u c k IS. W. S h a t t u c k G. A. Wild Architectural department Architectural department Horticultural department S, W. S h a t t u c k Mechanical department Mechanical department Illinois C e n t r a l R a i l r o a d . For what. S p e c i m e n s for c a b i n e t s Moose a n d c a r i b o u s k i n s Sal.as B. Agt.,Sep.l, '79,to Sep.l, '80 S t u d e n t s ' pay-roll, August, 1880.. Tools for t a x i d e r m y W o r k for o t h e r d e p a r t m e n t s P e t t y e x p e n s e , J u n e , July, Aug., '80 W o r k for o t h e r d e p a r t m e n t s Freights, three months Amount. $67 06 50 00 200 00 49 17 15 00 265 01 48 37 94 63 76 57 21 44 85 4d 99 40 : , The vouchers were referred for audit to a committee consisting of Messrs. McLean and Fountain. The following assignments from State appropriations were made: From State appropriation for cabinet cases, for the completion of the eases in the Museum, and a case for Agricultural Lecture Room, to be expended under the direction of the Regent and Business Agent $518 05 For the Mechanical and Architectural shops, for expenses of practical instruction, e ach per month.: 20 00 From State appropriation for Physical and Chemical Laboratories, for repairs and purchases for Physical Laboratory 360 00 State appropriation for books, and publications for books, periodicals and binding for Library, to be expended under direction of the Regent, Business Agent and Librarian 1,000 00 State appropriation for cabinets, for the continuation of collection of botanical and entomological specimens 25 00 Upon request of Prof. Eicker, an amount of $15 from credits of Architectural Department was assigned for whitewashing, etc., of carpenter shop. The following appropriations from current funds were made for the six months ending February 28, 1881: Board expense S alaries: Buildings and grounds.. Fuel and lights Stationery and printing. Fixtures and furniture... Library and apparatus.. Military department Incidental expense Agricultural Department, credit. Chemical " " . Mechanical " " . Architectural " " . Physical Laboratory, balance Cabinets, balance Printing'plans College of Engineering.. Models for School of Civil Engineering. Expense Chicago Exposition $300 00 15,230 00 $100 00 2,500 00 300 00 100 0" 50 00 50 00 200 00 3,300 00 $4,315 21 16 27 176 68! 419 % 4,927 73 $67 29 10 25 25 07 27 00 00 00 156 32 $23,914 05 The chairman of the committee on appointment of Eegent asked and was granted further time. Prof. Shattuck, from committee on employment of foreman for carpenter shop during vacation, reported that Mr. N. S. Spencer had been employed as such, at $50 per month. —17
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