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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1880 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

226 Treasurer's Report—Continued. 1880. Febu'ry28.|To amount paid for Physical Laboratory.. Cabinejts Veterinary instruments.. Agricultural Institute " " Preparatory Department. Chemical and Physical Laboratory.. Buildings and grounds Mechanical and Architectural shops. Books and publications Cabinets Cabinet cases Ventilation and water closets Heating apparatus Balance (State appropriation, $4,993 91; current account, $7,506 60) 1879. Dec. 16.. Jan. 1. CB. $20 79 25 25 00 24 50 572 60 643 14 $29 148 437 641 100 213 18 325 471 901 77 68 16 92 21 38| 1,915 49 12,500 51 $26,267 65 By balance. interest on Champaign county bonds. Illinois 6 per cent, bonds.. Chicago 7 per cent, bonds. Pike county 10 per cent, bonds Feb. 12.... Mechanical Feb. 28.... By amount rec'*d on account ofArchitecturalDepartment... Agricultural Horticultural Chemical Civil Engineering Fees and room rent Tuition in Prepar'y depart. Printing and stationery.... Fuel and lights Buildings and grounds 111. Cent. R. R. donation $13,507 24 $4,600 00 810 00 875 00 6,285 00 308 40 $542 04 504 681 1,152 74 71 681 462 77 1 00| 1,954 25 1,017 00 100 00 67 30 40 20 253 35 6,167 01 $26,267 65 UEBANA, March 9, 1880. JOHN W. BUNN. Treasurer. The following report of the Business Agent was read and received: CHAMPAIGN, ILLS., March 9th, 1880. Hon. Emory Cobb, President Board of Trustees, Illinois Industrial University: SIB: I have the honor to present herewith the usual Financial Statement of the University for the six months ending March 1st, 1880. Paper A, gives the current appropriations, receipts and expenditures for that time, which have passed through the business office. Paper B, is a statement of the State appropriations to March 1st. Paper C, is a list of vouchers and bills for the past three months presented for auditing. Respectfully submitted. S. W. SHATTUCK, Business Agent.
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